C# Class UIMessageBox, PuzzleGameProject

Inheritance: UILuaObject
Mostra file Open project: Cedric-Paris/PuzzleGameProject Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ShowEditText ( string placeHolderMessage, ShowEditTextCallback callbackFonctionIfClickOk ) : void
ShowMessage ( string message ) : void
ShowMessage ( string message, UnityEngine actionOnClick ) : void
ShowSelectElementOnList ( List elements, ShowSelectElementCallback callbackFonctionIfValueIsSelected ) : void
ShowYesNo ( string message, UnityEngine actionIfYes, UnityEngine actionIfNo ) : void

Displays a message box with Yes and No buttons. Performs treatments passed as parameters according to user response.

Private Methods

Method Description
initializeCanvas ( GameObject gameObject ) : Canvas

Method Details

ShowEditText() public static method

public static ShowEditText ( string placeHolderMessage, ShowEditTextCallback callbackFonctionIfClickOk ) : void
placeHolderMessage string
callbackFonctionIfClickOk ShowEditTextCallback
return void

ShowMessage() public static method

public static ShowMessage ( string message ) : void
message string
return void

ShowMessage() public static method

public static ShowMessage ( string message, UnityEngine actionOnClick ) : void
message string
actionOnClick UnityEngine
return void

ShowSelectElementOnList() public static method

public static ShowSelectElementOnList ( List elements, ShowSelectElementCallback callbackFonctionIfValueIsSelected ) : void
elements List
callbackFonctionIfValueIsSelected ShowSelectElementCallback
return void

ShowYesNo() public static method

Displays a message box with Yes and No buttons. Performs treatments passed as parameters according to user response.
public static ShowYesNo ( string message, UnityEngine actionIfYes, UnityEngine actionIfNo ) : void
message string The message in the message box.
actionIfYes UnityEngine Action performed if the response is yes.
actionIfNo UnityEngine Action performed if the response is no.
return void