C# Class Referee, goalBall

Mostra file Open project: DrexelGoalBall/goalBall Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AS AudioSource
Keys List
audioClips List
playlist List
queue SyncListString

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void

Sets up certain object when the scene starts up.

PlayBallOver ( ) : void

Ref says: Ball Over.

PlayBlockedOut ( ) : void

Ref says: blocked out.

PlayBlueTeam ( ) : void

Ref says: blue team.

PlayCenter ( ) : void

Ref says: center.

PlayDeadBall ( ) : void

Ref says: dead ball.

PlayExtraThrows ( ) : void

Ref says: Extra throws.

PlayFifteenSeconds ( ) : void

Ref says: fifteen seconds.

PlayFinalScore ( ) : void

Ref says: final score.

PlayFoul ( ) : void

Ref says: foul.

PlayGame ( ) : void

Ref says: game.

PlayGameOver ( ) : void

Ref says: game over.

PlayGoal ( ) : void

Ref says: goal.

PlayHalfTime ( ) : void

Ref says: half time.

PlayLineOut ( ) : void

Ref says: Line Out.

PlayOfficialTimeOut ( ) : void

Ref says: official time out.

PlayOut ( ) : void

Ref says: Out.

PlayOvertime ( ) : void

Ref says: overtime.

PlayPenaltyDeclined ( ) : void

Ref says: Penalty Declined.

PlayPersonalPenalty ( ) : void

Ref says: personal penalty.

PlayPlay ( ) : void

Ref says: play.

PlayQuietPlease ( ) : void

Ref says: quiet please.

PlayRedTeam ( ) : void

Ref says: red team.

PlayReturnToMenu ( ) : void

Ref says: press throw button to return to menu.

PlayTime ( ) : void

Ref says: time.

PlayTimeOut ( ) : void

Ref says: time out.

PlayWins ( ) : void

Ref says: wins.

ReadScore ( int scoreToRead ) : void

Takes the current scores and announces them in audio.

Start ( ) : void

initializes the queue of strings.

Update ( ) : void

Manages the queue, and plays sounds that are listed in the queue.

refereeSpeaking ( ) : bool

Checks if the referee is currently speaking and returns a boolean.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddClipStringToQueue ( string clipName ) : void

On the server, add this clip name to the queue and local playlist

OnStringChanged ( SyncListString op, int index ) : void

Adds string to the end of the queue.

Method Details

Awake() public method

Sets up certain object when the scene starts up.
public Awake ( ) : void
return void

PlayBallOver() public method

Ref says: Ball Over.
public PlayBallOver ( ) : void
return void

PlayBlockedOut() public method

Ref says: blocked out.
public PlayBlockedOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayBlueTeam() public method

Ref says: blue team.
public PlayBlueTeam ( ) : void
return void

PlayCenter() public method

Ref says: center.
public PlayCenter ( ) : void
return void

PlayDeadBall() public method

Ref says: dead ball.
public PlayDeadBall ( ) : void
return void

PlayExtraThrows() public method

Ref says: Extra throws.
public PlayExtraThrows ( ) : void
return void

PlayFifteenSeconds() public method

Ref says: fifteen seconds.
public PlayFifteenSeconds ( ) : void
return void

PlayFinalScore() public method

Ref says: final score.
public PlayFinalScore ( ) : void
return void

PlayFoul() public method

Ref says: foul.
public PlayFoul ( ) : void
return void

PlayGame() public method

Ref says: game.
public PlayGame ( ) : void
return void

PlayGameOver() public method

Ref says: game over.
public PlayGameOver ( ) : void
return void

PlayGoal() public method

Ref says: goal.
public PlayGoal ( ) : void
return void

PlayHalfTime() public method

Ref says: half time.
public PlayHalfTime ( ) : void
return void

PlayLineOut() public method

Ref says: Line Out.
public PlayLineOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayOfficialTimeOut() public method

Ref says: official time out.
public PlayOfficialTimeOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayOut() public method

Ref says: Out.
public PlayOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayOvertime() public method

Ref says: overtime.
public PlayOvertime ( ) : void
return void

PlayPenaltyDeclined() public method

Ref says: Penalty Declined.
public PlayPenaltyDeclined ( ) : void
return void

PlayPersonalPenalty() public method

Ref says: personal penalty.
public PlayPersonalPenalty ( ) : void
return void

PlayPlay() public method

Ref says: play.
public PlayPlay ( ) : void
return void

PlayQuietPlease() public method

Ref says: quiet please.
public PlayQuietPlease ( ) : void
return void

PlayRedTeam() public method

Ref says: red team.
public PlayRedTeam ( ) : void
return void

PlayReturnToMenu() public method

Ref says: press throw button to return to menu.
public PlayReturnToMenu ( ) : void
return void

PlayTime() public method

Ref says: time.
public PlayTime ( ) : void
return void

PlayTimeOut() public method

Ref says: time out.
public PlayTimeOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayWins() public method

Ref says: wins.
public PlayWins ( ) : void
return void

ReadScore() public method

Takes the current scores and announces them in audio.
public ReadScore ( int scoreToRead ) : void
scoreToRead int
return void

Start() public method

initializes the queue of strings.
public Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Manages the queue, and plays sounds that are listed in the queue.
public Update ( ) : void
return void

refereeSpeaking() public method

Checks if the referee is currently speaking and returns a boolean.
public refereeSpeaking ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

AS public_oe property

public AudioSource AS
return AudioSource

Keys public_oe property

public List Keys
return List

audioClips public_oe property

public List audioClips
return List

playlist public_oe property

public List playlist
return List

queue public_oe property

public SyncListString queue
return SyncListString