C# Class Referee, goalBall

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
AS AudioSource
Keys List
audioClips List
playlist List
queue SyncListString

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void

Sets up certain object when the scene starts up.

PlayBallOver ( ) : void

Ref says: Ball Over.

PlayBlockedOut ( ) : void

Ref says: blocked out.

PlayBlueTeam ( ) : void

Ref says: blue team.

PlayCenter ( ) : void

Ref says: center.

PlayDeadBall ( ) : void

Ref says: dead ball.

PlayExtraThrows ( ) : void

Ref says: Extra throws.

PlayFifteenSeconds ( ) : void

Ref says: fifteen seconds.

PlayFinalScore ( ) : void

Ref says: final score.

PlayFoul ( ) : void

Ref says: foul.

PlayGame ( ) : void

Ref says: game.

PlayGameOver ( ) : void

Ref says: game over.

PlayGoal ( ) : void

Ref says: goal.

PlayHalfTime ( ) : void

Ref says: half time.

PlayLineOut ( ) : void

Ref says: Line Out.

PlayOfficialTimeOut ( ) : void

Ref says: official time out.

PlayOut ( ) : void

Ref says: Out.

PlayOvertime ( ) : void

Ref says: overtime.

PlayPenaltyDeclined ( ) : void

Ref says: Penalty Declined.

PlayPersonalPenalty ( ) : void

Ref says: personal penalty.

PlayPlay ( ) : void

Ref says: play.

PlayQuietPlease ( ) : void

Ref says: quiet please.

PlayRedTeam ( ) : void

Ref says: red team.

PlayReturnToMenu ( ) : void

Ref says: press throw button to return to menu.

PlayTime ( ) : void

Ref says: time.

PlayTimeOut ( ) : void

Ref says: time out.

PlayWins ( ) : void

Ref says: wins.

ReadScore ( int scoreToRead ) : void

Takes the current scores and announces them in audio.

Start ( ) : void

initializes the queue of strings.

Update ( ) : void

Manages the queue, and plays sounds that are listed in the queue.

refereeSpeaking ( ) : bool

Checks if the referee is currently speaking and returns a boolean.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddClipStringToQueue ( string clipName ) : void

On the server, add this clip name to the queue and local playlist

OnStringChanged ( SyncListString op, int index ) : void

Adds string to the end of the queue.

Method Details

Awake() public method

Sets up certain object when the scene starts up.
public Awake ( ) : void
return void

PlayBallOver() public method

Ref says: Ball Over.
public PlayBallOver ( ) : void
return void

PlayBlockedOut() public method

Ref says: blocked out.
public PlayBlockedOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayBlueTeam() public method

Ref says: blue team.
public PlayBlueTeam ( ) : void
return void

PlayCenter() public method

Ref says: center.
public PlayCenter ( ) : void
return void

PlayDeadBall() public method

Ref says: dead ball.
public PlayDeadBall ( ) : void
return void

PlayExtraThrows() public method

Ref says: Extra throws.
public PlayExtraThrows ( ) : void
return void

PlayFifteenSeconds() public method

Ref says: fifteen seconds.
public PlayFifteenSeconds ( ) : void
return void

PlayFinalScore() public method

Ref says: final score.
public PlayFinalScore ( ) : void
return void

PlayFoul() public method

Ref says: foul.
public PlayFoul ( ) : void
return void

PlayGame() public method

Ref says: game.
public PlayGame ( ) : void
return void

PlayGameOver() public method

Ref says: game over.
public PlayGameOver ( ) : void
return void

PlayGoal() public method

Ref says: goal.
public PlayGoal ( ) : void
return void

PlayHalfTime() public method

Ref says: half time.
public PlayHalfTime ( ) : void
return void

PlayLineOut() public method

Ref says: Line Out.
public PlayLineOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayOfficialTimeOut() public method

Ref says: official time out.
public PlayOfficialTimeOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayOut() public method

Ref says: Out.
public PlayOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayOvertime() public method

Ref says: overtime.
public PlayOvertime ( ) : void
return void

PlayPenaltyDeclined() public method

Ref says: Penalty Declined.
public PlayPenaltyDeclined ( ) : void
return void

PlayPersonalPenalty() public method

Ref says: personal penalty.
public PlayPersonalPenalty ( ) : void
return void

PlayPlay() public method

Ref says: play.
public PlayPlay ( ) : void
return void

PlayQuietPlease() public method

Ref says: quiet please.
public PlayQuietPlease ( ) : void
return void

PlayRedTeam() public method

Ref says: red team.
public PlayRedTeam ( ) : void
return void

PlayReturnToMenu() public method

Ref says: press throw button to return to menu.
public PlayReturnToMenu ( ) : void
return void

PlayTime() public method

Ref says: time.
public PlayTime ( ) : void
return void

PlayTimeOut() public method

Ref says: time out.
public PlayTimeOut ( ) : void
return void

PlayWins() public method

Ref says: wins.
public PlayWins ( ) : void
return void

ReadScore() public method

Takes the current scores and announces them in audio.
public ReadScore ( int scoreToRead ) : void
scoreToRead int
return void

Start() public method

initializes the queue of strings.
public Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Manages the queue, and plays sounds that are listed in the queue.
public Update ( ) : void
return void

refereeSpeaking() public method

Checks if the referee is currently speaking and returns a boolean.
public refereeSpeaking ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

AS public property

public AudioSource AS
return AudioSource

Keys public property

public List Keys
return List

audioClips public property

public List audioClips
return List

playlist public property

public List playlist
return List

queue public property

public SyncListString queue
return SyncListString