C# (CSharp) RedBlueGames.Tools Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AnimBuilder ScriptableObject that helps us build and update animation clips from textures quickly
AnimBuilderEditor.AnimBuilderCreator Class that contains methods for creating AnimBuilders
AnimClipBuilderTool Exposes AnimClipBuilder to the Editor, allowing quick creation of an Anim Clip from a spritesheet
AnimationClipUtility Utility class to help manage AnimClips in code
AnimatorBlendBuilder Facilitates quick building of common blend trees for Pixel art games
AnimatorOverrideFillIn This class helped us quickly assign anim clips into Animator Override controllers based on filename
AssetDatabaseUtility Utilities for Unity's built in AssetDatabase class
AttackCast2D Handles casting between this object and its position in the previous frame. It then sends a callback for each object hit.
AttackCast2D.HitEventArgs Event Arguments for Hit events
BuildScriptSettings Settings file for Build Exporter tool
BuildScripts This tool helps us streamline the build process by combining shared settings, and building multiple platforms at once
Collider2DExtensions Extension methods to the Collider2D class, specifically for Drawing
DebugUtility Contains utilities and "Extension methods" to the Debug class, specifically for Drawing
Gizmo Class that draws a simple gizmo in the Editor
ObjectPool Simple object pooling class
RBPhysics2D RBPhysics2D wraps 2D physics calls with Debug calls for drawing the casts in the Editor
RBToolsMenuPaths Stores paths for Editor Menu Items
RenameSpritesheet Tool that renames all the sprites in a selected spritesheet
ReplaceWithPrefab This tool replaces the currently selected GameObjects with instances of the specified Prefab.
SpriteSlicer Sprite Slicing utility helps to slice sprites in alternate methods than Unity's auto slicer
TextureShifter Component that can be added to GameObjects with Renderers to let them offset the texture at runtime.
TimeManager Class that handles setting TimeScale to 0 and back, properly handling multiple requests to pause and unpause.
Utilities Class that stores generic Utiliities that have no other home.
Vector2Extensions Extension methods to Vector2 class