C# (CSharp) ExitGames.Client.Photon Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ActorProperties Class for constants. These (byte) values define "well known" properties for an Actor / Player. Pun uses these constants internally.
ErrorCode ErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication.
EventCode Class for constants. These values are for events defined by Photon Loadbalancing. Pun uses these constants internally.
GameProperties Class for constants. These (byte) values are for "well known" room/game properties used in Photon Loadbalancing. Pun uses these constants internally.
LoadbalancingPeer Internally used by PUN, a LoadbalancingPeer provides the operations and enum definitions needed to use the Photon Loadbalancing server (or the Photon Cloud).
OperationCode Class for constants. Contains operation codes. Pun uses these constants internally.
ParameterCode Class for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events. Pun uses these constants internally.
SocketUdp Internal class to encapsulate the network i/o functionality for the realtime libary.
SocketWebTcp Internal class to encapsulate the network i/o functionality for the realtime libary.