C# (CSharp) ControlSystem Namespace


Name Description
AbsCoordSirVector SIRVector class for absolute positions.
Admin Admin user with ability to see and edit all tables.
ConsoleUI Console UI for writing to the console output.
DLL Class that with the IDLL interface calls the actual functions from the USBC.dll. Note: Uses static imports from DLLImport.
DLLImport Class providing interface for USBC.dll functions. Note: Please use the Wrapper instead.
DatabaseLogger Logs events to the database.
ErrorReporter Temporary error reporting class. \warning Temp. class.
Factory Manages all global class's as a singleton and factory
ManualController Class that encapsulates controlling manual movement. Instead of using directly Robot or Simulator by interface. Note: Uses IRobot, so it is able to use either a Robot or a Simulator.
RelCoordSirVector SIRVector class for relative positions.
Robot IRobot implementation using the SCORBOT for operations.
SIRVector Base class for vector used in wrapper. Should use the derived classes.
ScriptRunner Used to run IronPython scripts. Note: Needs IronPython, IronPython.Modules and Microsoft.Scripting assemblies as reference
SerialSTK Class for functions to communicating with the STK kit.(Serial communication.)
Simulator IRobot implementation using IUI output interface for simulating robot behavior.
StringUI String UI for writing to a string variable.
ThreadHandling Class to handle all threads in system, everything handled by a unique description tag that stays with a thread from moment it gets added till it gets removed.
ThreadHandling.ThreadHolder Class that holds the description of the thread and the thread itself for usage
User Normal user.
VecPoint Class to contain point for use in one of the vector classes.
Wrapper Contains a wrapper for the C++ functions in the dll file(USBC.dll). Good idea to check USBC-documentation.pdf. Notes: Uses IntPtr arg for different types of C++ pointers. Same function names as C++ but has "Wrapped" at the end. Try to have handlers in delegates which in entire use of wrapper, so the memory for the handler doesn´t get removed by GC. \todo Add behind factory class.