C# Class UWHUD, UnderworldExporter

Class for referencing other hud elements without having to search for them all the time.
Inheritance: HUD
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
ChainsControl chains,
ContainerOpened GameObject
ContextMenu Text
ConversationPanel GameObject
ConversationPortraits UnityEngine.UI.RawImage[]
Conversation_tl ScrollController,
CutScenesSmall CutsceneAnimation,
CutsceneFullPanel GameObject
CutsceneSmallPanel GameObject
DragonLeftPanel GameObject
DragonRightPanel GameObject
Encumberance Text
InventoryPanel GameObject
LevelNoDisplay Text
MapEraser UnityEngine.Texture2D
MapPanel GameObject
MapQuill UnityEngine.Texture2D
MapQuillWriting UnityEngine.Texture2D
NPCName Text
PCName Text
PaperDollFemalePanel GameObject
PaperDollMalePanel GameObject
RuneBagPanel GameObject
StatsDisplayPanel GameObject
activeRunes ActiveRuneSlot[],
currentPanel GameObject
instance UWHUD,
isRotating bool
mainmenu MainMenuHud,
npcTrade TradeSlot[],
playerBody UnityEngine.UI.RawImage
playerTrade TradeSlot[],
runes RuneSlot[],
window WindowDetectUW,

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Awake ( ) : void
EnableDisableControl ( GameObject control, bool targetState ) : void

Enables or disables a control.

RefreshPanels ( int ActivePanelMode ) : void

Refreshs the panels depending on the active mode

Start ( ) : void
UpdatePanelStates ( ) : void

Updates the panel states as needed.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
RotatePanels ( GameObject fromPanel, GameObject toPanel ) : IEnumerator

Rotates the inventory panels around.

Method Details

Awake() public méthode

public Awake ( ) : void
Résultat void

EnableDisableControl() public méthode

Enables or disables a control.
public EnableDisableControl ( GameObject control, bool targetState ) : void
control GameObject Control.
targetState bool If set to true target state.
Résultat void

RefreshPanels() public méthode

Refreshs the panels depending on the active mode
public RefreshPanels ( int ActivePanelMode ) : void
ActivePanelMode int Active panel mode.
Résultat void

Start() public méthode

public Start ( ) : void
Résultat void

UpdatePanelStates() public méthode

Updates the panel states as needed.
public UpdatePanelStates ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

ChainsControl public_oe property

public chains, ChainsControl
Résultat chains,

ContainerOpened public_oe property

public GameObject ContainerOpened
Résultat GameObject

ContextMenu public_oe property

public Text ContextMenu
Résultat Text

ConversationPanel public_oe property

public GameObject ConversationPanel
Résultat GameObject

ConversationPortraits public_oe property

public RawImage[],UnityEngine.UI ConversationPortraits
Résultat UnityEngine.UI.RawImage[]

Conversation_tl public_oe property

public ScrollController, Conversation_tl
Résultat ScrollController,

CutScenesSmall public_oe property

public CutsceneAnimation, CutScenesSmall
Résultat CutsceneAnimation,

CutsceneFullPanel public_oe property

public GameObject CutsceneFullPanel
Résultat GameObject

CutsceneSmallPanel public_oe property

public GameObject CutsceneSmallPanel
Résultat GameObject

DragonLeftPanel public_oe property

public GameObject DragonLeftPanel
Résultat GameObject

DragonRightPanel public_oe property

public GameObject DragonRightPanel
Résultat GameObject

Encumberance public_oe property

public Text Encumberance
Résultat Text

InventoryPanel public_oe property

public GameObject InventoryPanel
Résultat GameObject

LevelNoDisplay public_oe property

public Text LevelNoDisplay
Résultat Text

MapEraser public_oe property

public Texture2D,UnityEngine MapEraser
Résultat UnityEngine.Texture2D

MapPanel public_oe property

public GameObject MapPanel
Résultat GameObject

MapQuill public_oe property

public Texture2D,UnityEngine MapQuill
Résultat UnityEngine.Texture2D

MapQuillWriting public_oe property

public Texture2D,UnityEngine MapQuillWriting
Résultat UnityEngine.Texture2D

NPCName public_oe property

public Text NPCName
Résultat Text

PCName public_oe property

public Text PCName
Résultat Text

PaperDollFemalePanel public_oe property

public GameObject PaperDollFemalePanel
Résultat GameObject

PaperDollMalePanel public_oe property

public GameObject PaperDollMalePanel
Résultat GameObject

RuneBagPanel public_oe property

public GameObject RuneBagPanel
Résultat GameObject

StatsDisplayPanel public_oe property

public GameObject StatsDisplayPanel
Résultat GameObject

activeRunes public_oe property

public ActiveRuneSlot[], activeRunes
Résultat ActiveRuneSlot[],

currentPanel public_oe property

public GameObject currentPanel
Résultat GameObject

instance public_oe static_oe property

public static UWHUD, instance
Résultat UWHUD,

isRotating public_oe property

public bool isRotating
Résultat bool

mainmenu public_oe property

public MainMenuHud, mainmenu
Résultat MainMenuHud,

npcTrade public_oe property

public TradeSlot[], npcTrade
Résultat TradeSlot[],

playerBody public_oe property

public RawImage,UnityEngine.UI playerBody
Résultat UnityEngine.UI.RawImage

playerTrade public_oe property

public TradeSlot[], playerTrade
Résultat TradeSlot[],

runes public_oe property

public RuneSlot[], runes
Résultat RuneSlot[],

window public_oe property

public WindowDetectUW, window
Résultat WindowDetectUW,