C# Class StereoCameraManager

Updates two cameras to provide a stereo view.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Afficher le fichier Open project: ekumenlabs/Garkanoid

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
FOV float
IPDInMM float
enableStereo bool
eyeOffsetInMM Vector3
farClippingPlaneInMM float
isPoseIndependentCamera bool
isShowingDebugButton bool
leftCamera GameObject
nearClippingPlaneInMM float
rightCamera GameObject
screenWidthInMM float

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
OnGUI ( ) : void

Unity GUI callback.

Start ( ) : void

Use this for initialization.

Update ( ) : void

Update is called once per frame.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
SetupCameras ( bool enable ) : void

Setup the cameras for the left and right eye to display in stereo.

Method Details

OnGUI() public méthode

Unity GUI callback.
public OnGUI ( ) : void
Résultat void

Start() public méthode

Use this for initialization.
public Start ( ) : void
Résultat void

Update() public méthode

Update is called once per frame.
public Update ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

FOV public_oe property

public float FOV
Résultat float

IPDInMM public_oe property

public float IPDInMM
Résultat float

enableStereo public_oe property

public bool enableStereo
Résultat bool

eyeOffsetInMM public_oe property

public Vector3 eyeOffsetInMM
Résultat Vector3

farClippingPlaneInMM public_oe property

public float farClippingPlaneInMM
Résultat float

isPoseIndependentCamera public_oe property

public bool isPoseIndependentCamera
Résultat bool

isShowingDebugButton public_oe property

public bool isShowingDebugButton
Résultat bool

leftCamera public_oe property

public GameObject leftCamera
Résultat GameObject

nearClippingPlaneInMM public_oe property

public float nearClippingPlaneInMM
Résultat float

rightCamera public_oe property

public GameObject rightCamera
Résultat GameObject

screenWidthInMM public_oe property

public float screenWidthInMM
Résultat float