C# Class fliXNA_xbox.FlxParticle

Inheritance: FlxSprite
Mostrar archivo Open project: konamicode/fliXNA_xbox Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
friction float
lifespan float
maxSpeed FlxPoint
minSpeed FlxPoint

Public Methods

Method Description
FlxParticle ( ) : System
draw ( ) : void
loadParticleGraphic ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D Graphic, float Rotation, float Width, float Height ) : FlxSprite

Internal function used by FlxEmitter to create the particles

onEmit ( ) : void
reset ( float X, float Y ) : void
update ( ) : void

Method Details

FlxParticle() public method

public FlxParticle ( ) : System
return System

draw() public method

public draw ( ) : void
return void

loadParticleGraphic() public method

Internal function used by FlxEmitter to create the particles
public loadParticleGraphic ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D Graphic, float Rotation, float Width, float Height ) : FlxSprite
Graphic Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D
Rotation float
Width float
Height float
return FlxSprite

onEmit() public method

public onEmit ( ) : void
return void

reset() public method

public reset ( float X, float Y ) : void
X float
Y float
return void

update() public method

public update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

friction public_oe property

public float friction
return float

lifespan public_oe property

public float lifespan
return float

maxSpeed public_oe property

public FlxPoint maxSpeed
return FlxPoint

minSpeed public_oe property

public FlxPoint minSpeed
return FlxPoint