C# Class fliXNA_xbox.FlxParticle

Inheritance: FlxSprite
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
friction float
lifespan float
maxSpeed FlxPoint
minSpeed FlxPoint

Public Methods

Method Description
FlxParticle ( ) : System
draw ( ) : void
loadParticleGraphic ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D Graphic, float Rotation, float Width, float Height ) : FlxSprite

Internal function used by FlxEmitter to create the particles

onEmit ( ) : void
reset ( float X, float Y ) : void
update ( ) : void

Method Details

FlxParticle() public method

public FlxParticle ( ) : System
return System

draw() public method

public draw ( ) : void
return void

loadParticleGraphic() public method

Internal function used by FlxEmitter to create the particles
public loadParticleGraphic ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D Graphic, float Rotation, float Width, float Height ) : FlxSprite
Graphic Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D
Rotation float
Width float
Height float
return FlxSprite

onEmit() public method

public onEmit ( ) : void
return void

reset() public method

public reset ( float X, float Y ) : void
X float
Y float
return void

update() public method

public update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

friction public property

public float friction
return float

lifespan public property

public float lifespan
return float

maxSpeed public property

public FlxPoint maxSpeed
return FlxPoint

minSpeed public property

public FlxPoint minSpeed
return FlxPoint