C# Class TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.ADTChunk

Inheritance: IQuadObject
Mostrar archivo Open project: WCell/WCell-Terrain Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DoodadRefs List
Header TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components.MCNK
Heights TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components.MapVertices
IsFlat bool
Normals TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components.MapNormals
ObjectRefs List
TerrainTris List
WaterInfo MH2O

Property Details

DoodadRefs public_oe property

MCRF - (Header.nDoodadRefs + Header.nMapObjRefs) indices into the MDDF and MODF chunks that tell which M2's and WMO's (respectively) are drawn over this chunk. When a player is on a chunk, only those objects referenced are checked for collision.
public List DoodadRefs
return List

Header public_oe property

public MCNK,TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components Header
return TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components.MCNK

Heights public_oe property

MCTV Chunk (Height values for the MCNK)
public MapVertices,TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components Heights
return TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components.MapVertices

IsFlat public_oe property

public bool IsFlat
return bool

Normals public_oe property

MCNR Chunk (Normals for the MCNK)
public MapNormals,TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components Normals
return TerrainDisplay.MPQ.ADT.Components.MapNormals

ObjectRefs public_oe property

public List ObjectRefs
return List

TerrainTris public_oe property

public List TerrainTris
return List

WaterInfo public_oe property

MH20 Chunk (Water information for the MCNK)
public MH2O WaterInfo
return MH2O