C# Class Forge.Unity.AutomaticBackupComponent

Inheritance: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
Mostrar archivo Open project: jacobdufault/forge-unity

Public Properties

Property Type Description
BackupDirectory string
BackupIntervalInSeconds float
BackupNow bool
NumberOfBackups int

Protected Methods

Method Description
Update ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
EnsureBackupDirectory ( ) : void
GetBackupPath ( ) : string
RunBackup ( ) : void
TrimDirectory ( int count ) : void

Trims the backup directory so that it contains the given maximum number of files. Newer files are kept over older files.

Method Details

Update() protected method

protected Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

BackupDirectory public_oe property

The directory to save backups in.
public string BackupDirectory
return string

BackupIntervalInSeconds public_oe property

By default we save the editor every 5 minutes
public float BackupIntervalInSeconds
return float

BackupNow public_oe property

public bool BackupNow
return bool

NumberOfBackups public_oe property

The number of backups to store.
public int NumberOfBackups
return int