C# Class Box2DX.Dynamics.ContactFilter

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Public Methods

Method Description
RayCollide ( object userData, Shape shape ) : bool

Return true if the given shape should be considered for ray intersection.

ShouldCollide ( Shape shape1, Shape shape2 ) : bool

Return true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes. If you implement your own collision filter you may want to build from this implementation. @warning for performance reasons this is only called when the AABBs begin to overlap.

Method Details

RayCollide() public method

Return true if the given shape should be considered for ray intersection.
public RayCollide ( object userData, Shape shape ) : bool
userData object
shape Box2DX.Collision.Shape
return bool

ShouldCollide() public method

Return true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes. If you implement your own collision filter you may want to build from this implementation. @warning for performance reasons this is only called when the AABBs begin to overlap.
public ShouldCollide ( Shape shape1, Shape shape2 ) : bool
shape1 Box2DX.Collision.Shape
shape2 Box2DX.Collision.Shape
return bool