C# Class NetworkDebug, UnetCharacterController

Simple helper class to debug things to any unity editor in the network.
Inheritance: NetworkBehaviour
Mostrar archivo Open project: lucasmontec/UnetCharacterController Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
Log ( string data ) : void

This prints the log data to the unity editor console. This will find the console across the network.

Private Methods

Method Description
ILog ( string data ) : void
RpcClientLog ( string data ) : void
ServerLog ( NetworkMessage, message ) : void

Method Details

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void

Log() public static method

This prints the log data to the unity editor console. This will find the console across the network.
public static Log ( string data ) : void
data string The data to print to the unity editor
return void