C# Class AchievementManager, TheDeadMemories

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Mostrar archivo Open project: TheDeadMemoriesTeam/TheDeadMemories Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Announcer AchievementAnnouncer

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
Start ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
getAchievementsLocked ( ) : List
getAchievementsUnlocked ( ) : List
getAssassin ( ) : bool
getLastNbEnnemyKilled ( ) : int
getNbAssassinKills ( ) : int
getNbEnnemiesKilledPerDuration ( float duration ) : int
getNbKilledBerseker ( ) : int
getNbKilledEnemy ( ) : int
getNbSimultaneouslyKilledEnemy ( ) : int
getPlayerPos ( ) : Vector3
getSurvivedTime ( ) : float
getTravelledDistance ( ) : float
getUntouchedTime ( ) : float
loadAchievements ( List achievementsGet ) : void
refreshListAchievements ( ) : void
setLastNbEnnemyKilled ( int nb ) : void
setNbAssassinKills ( int nb ) : void
setNbKilledBerseker ( int nb ) : void
setNbKilledEnemy ( int nb ) : void
setPause ( bool state ) : void
setPlayerPos ( Vector3 pos ) : void
setTravelledDistance ( float distance ) : void
updateEnnemiesKilledHistorical ( ) : void
updateKills ( ) : void
updateKillsBerseker ( ) : void
updateTimeNotTouched ( float time ) : void
updateTimes ( ) : void
updateTravel ( Vector3 fromWhere, Vector3 to ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
isValidDuration ( int index, float duration ) : bool

Method Details

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

getAchievementsLocked() public method

public getAchievementsLocked ( ) : List
return List

getAchievementsUnlocked() public method

public getAchievementsUnlocked ( ) : List
return List

getAssassin() public method

public getAssassin ( ) : bool
return bool

getLastNbEnnemyKilled() public method

public getLastNbEnnemyKilled ( ) : int
return int

getNbAssassinKills() public method

public getNbAssassinKills ( ) : int
return int

getNbEnnemiesKilledPerDuration() public method

public getNbEnnemiesKilledPerDuration ( float duration ) : int
duration float
return int

getNbKilledBerseker() public method

public getNbKilledBerseker ( ) : int
return int

getNbKilledEnemy() public method

public getNbKilledEnemy ( ) : int
return int

getNbSimultaneouslyKilledEnemy() public method

public getNbSimultaneouslyKilledEnemy ( ) : int
return int

getPlayerPos() public method

public getPlayerPos ( ) : Vector3
return Vector3

getSurvivedTime() public method

public getSurvivedTime ( ) : float
return float

getTravelledDistance() public method

public getTravelledDistance ( ) : float
return float

getUntouchedTime() public method

public getUntouchedTime ( ) : float
return float

loadAchievements() public method

public loadAchievements ( List achievementsGet ) : void
achievementsGet List
return void

refreshListAchievements() public method

public refreshListAchievements ( ) : void
return void

setLastNbEnnemyKilled() public method

public setLastNbEnnemyKilled ( int nb ) : void
nb int
return void

setNbAssassinKills() public method

public setNbAssassinKills ( int nb ) : void
nb int
return void

setNbKilledBerseker() public method

public setNbKilledBerseker ( int nb ) : void
nb int
return void

setNbKilledEnemy() public method

public setNbKilledEnemy ( int nb ) : void
nb int
return void

setPause() public method

public setPause ( bool state ) : void
state bool
return void

setPlayerPos() public method

public setPlayerPos ( Vector3 pos ) : void
pos Vector3
return void

setTravelledDistance() public method

public setTravelledDistance ( float distance ) : void
distance float
return void

updateEnnemiesKilledHistorical() public method

public updateEnnemiesKilledHistorical ( ) : void
return void

updateKills() public method

public updateKills ( ) : void
return void

updateKillsBerseker() public method

public updateKillsBerseker ( ) : void
return void

updateTimeNotTouched() public method

public updateTimeNotTouched ( float time ) : void
time float
return void

updateTimes() public method

public updateTimes ( ) : void
return void

updateTravel() public method

public updateTravel ( Vector3 fromWhere, Vector3 to ) : void
fromWhere Vector3
to Vector3
return void

Property Details

Announcer public_oe property

public AchievementAnnouncer Announcer
return AchievementAnnouncer