C# Class OpenTK.Quaterniond

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Identity Quaterniond
W double
WAxis Quaterniond
X double
XAxis Quaterniond
Y double
YAxis Quaterniond
Z double
ZAxis Quaterniond
Zero Quaterniond

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Mult Quaterniond
Mult void

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( left, right ) : Quaterniond

Add two quaternions

Add ( &Quaterniond ) : void
Add ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
Add ( &left, &right, &result ) : void

Add two quaternions

Conjugate ( q ) : Quaterniond

Get the conjugate of the given Quaterniond

Conjugate ( ) : void

Convert this Quaterniond to its conjugate

Conjugate ( &result ) : void
Conjugate ( &q, &result ) : void

Get the conjugate of the given Quaterniond

Divide ( &Quaterniond, double scalar, &result ) : void
Divide ( double scalar ) : void
Divide ( double scalar, &result ) : void
DotProduct ( left, right ) : double
Equals ( other ) : bool

Compares this Quaterniond instance to another Quaterniond for equality.

Equals ( object other ) : bool

Compares this object instance to another object for equality.

Exp ( ) : void
Exp ( &result ) : void
Exp ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
FromAxisAngle ( OpenTK.Vector3d axis, double angle ) : Quaterniond

Build a Quaterniond from the given axis and angle

GetAxisAndAngle ( OpenTK.Vector3d &axis, double &angle ) : void
GetHashCode ( ) : int

Provides the hash code for this object.

Inverse ( ) : void
Inverse ( &result ) : void
Inverse ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
Invert ( q ) : Quaterniond

Get the inverse of the given Quaterniond

Invert ( &q, &result ) : void

Get the inverse of the given Quaterniond

Log ( ) : void
Log ( &result ) : void
Log ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
Matrix4d ( OpenTK.Matrix4d &result ) : void

Returns left matrix for this Quaterniond.

Multiply ( left, right ) : Quaterniond

Multiplies two instances.

Multiply ( quaternion, double scale ) : Quaterniond

Multiplies an instance by a scalar.

Multiply ( &Quaterniond ) : void
Multiply ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
Multiply ( &left, &right, &result ) : void

Multiplies two instances.

Multiply ( &quaternion, double scale, &result ) : void

Multiplies an instance by a scalar.

Multiply ( double scalar ) : void
Multiply ( double scalar, &result ) : void
Normalize ( q ) : Quaterniond

Scale the given Quaterniond to unit length

Normalize ( ) : void

Scales the Quaterniond to unit length.

Normalize ( &result ) : void
Normalize ( &q, &result ) : void

Scale the given Quaterniond to unit length

Parse ( string str, &result ) : void

Parses left string, converting it to left Quaterniond.

Quaterniond ( &Quaterniond ) : System

Constructs left Quaterniond that is left copy of the given Quaterniond.

Quaterniond ( Array doubleArray ) : System

Constructs left Quaterniond from the given array of double-precision floating-point numbers.

Quaterniond ( OpenTK.Matrix3d &matrix ) : System
Quaterniond ( OpenTK.Matrix4d &matrix ) : System

Constructs left Quaterniond from the given matrix. Only contains rotation information.

Quaterniond ( OpenTK.Vector3d v, double w ) : System

Construct a new Quaterniond from vector and w components

Quaterniond ( double w, OpenTK.Vector3d &vector3d ) : System

Constructs left Quaterniond from the given components.

Quaterniond ( double x, double y, double z, double w ) : System

Construct a new Quaterniond

Slerp ( q1, q2, double blend ) : Quaterniond

Do Spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions

Slerp ( &start, &end, double blend, &result ) : void
Sub ( left, right ) : Quaterniond

Subtracts two instances.

Sub ( &left, &right, &result ) : void

Subtracts two instances.

Subtract ( &Quaterniond ) : void
Subtract ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
Subtract ( &left, &right, &result ) : void
ToAxisAngle ( ) : OpenTK.Vector4d

Convert this instance to an axis-angle representation.

ToAxisAngle ( OpenTK.Vector3d &axis, double &angle ) : void

Convert the current quaternion to axis angle representation

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a System.String that represents the current Quaterniond.

operator ( ) : Quaterniond

Adds two instances.

operator ( ) : bool

Compares two instances for equality.

Private Methods

Method Description
Mult ( left, right ) : Quaterniond
Mult ( &left, &right, &result ) : void

Method Details

Add() public static method

Add two quaternions
public static Add ( left, right ) : Quaterniond
left The first operand
right The second operand
return Quaterniond

Add() public method

public Add ( &Quaterniond ) : void
return void

Add() public method

public Add ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
return void

Add() public static method

Add two quaternions
public static Add ( &left, &right, &result ) : void
left The first operand
right The second operand
result The result of the addition
return void

Conjugate() public static method

Get the conjugate of the given Quaterniond
public static Conjugate ( q ) : Quaterniond
q The Quaterniond
return Quaterniond

Conjugate() public method

Convert this Quaterniond to its conjugate
public Conjugate ( ) : void
return void

Conjugate() public method

public Conjugate ( &result ) : void
return void

Conjugate() public static method

Get the conjugate of the given Quaterniond
public static Conjugate ( &q, &result ) : void
q The Quaterniond
result The conjugate of the given Quaterniond
return void

Divide() public static method

public static Divide ( &Quaterniond, double scalar, &result ) : void
scalar double
return void

Divide() public method

public Divide ( double scalar ) : void
scalar double
return void

Divide() public method

public Divide ( double scalar, &result ) : void
scalar double
return void

DotProduct() public static method

public static DotProduct ( left, right ) : double
return double

Equals() public method

Compares this Quaterniond instance to another Quaterniond for equality.
public Equals ( other ) : bool
other The other Quaterniond to be used in the comparison.
return bool

Equals() public method

Compares this object instance to another object for equality.
public Equals ( object other ) : bool
other object The other object to be used in the comparison.
return bool

Exp() public method

public Exp ( ) : void
return void

Exp() public method

public Exp ( &result ) : void
return void

Exp() public static method

public static Exp ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
return void

FromAxisAngle() public static method

Build a Quaterniond from the given axis and angle
public static FromAxisAngle ( OpenTK.Vector3d axis, double angle ) : Quaterniond
axis OpenTK.Vector3d The axis to rotate about
angle double The rotation angle in radians
return Quaterniond

GetAxisAndAngle() public method

public GetAxisAndAngle ( OpenTK.Vector3d &axis, double &angle ) : void
axis OpenTK.Vector3d
angle double
return void

GetHashCode() public method

Provides the hash code for this object.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

Inverse() public method

public Inverse ( ) : void
return void

Inverse() public method

public Inverse ( &result ) : void
return void

Inverse() public static method

public static Inverse ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
return void

Invert() public static method

Get the inverse of the given Quaterniond
public static Invert ( q ) : Quaterniond
q The Quaterniond to invert
return Quaterniond

Invert() public static method

Get the inverse of the given Quaterniond
public static Invert ( &q, &result ) : void
q The Quaterniond to invert
result The inverse of the given Quaterniond
return void

Log() public method

public Log ( ) : void
return void

Log() public method

public Log ( &result ) : void
return void

Log() public static method

public static Log ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
return void

Matrix4d() public method

Returns left matrix for this Quaterniond.
public Matrix4d ( OpenTK.Matrix4d &result ) : void
result OpenTK.Matrix4d
return void

Multiply() public static method

Multiplies two instances.
public static Multiply ( left, right ) : Quaterniond
left The first instance.
right The second instance.
return Quaterniond

Multiply() public static method

Multiplies an instance by a scalar.
public static Multiply ( quaternion, double scale ) : Quaterniond
quaternion The instance.
scale double The scalar.
return Quaterniond

Multiply() public method

public Multiply ( &Quaterniond ) : void
return void

Multiply() public method

public Multiply ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
return void

Multiply() public static method

Multiplies two instances.
public static Multiply ( &left, &right, &result ) : void
left The first instance.
right The second instance.
result A new instance containing the result of the calculation.
return void

Multiply() public static method

Multiplies an instance by a scalar.
public static Multiply ( &quaternion, double scale, &result ) : void
quaternion The instance.
scale double The scalar.
result A new instance containing the result of the calculation.
return void

Multiply() public method

public Multiply ( double scalar ) : void
scalar double
return void

Multiply() public method

public Multiply ( double scalar, &result ) : void
scalar double
return void

Normalize() public static method

Scale the given Quaterniond to unit length
public static Normalize ( q ) : Quaterniond
q The Quaterniond to normalize
return Quaterniond

Normalize() public method

Scales the Quaterniond to unit length.
public Normalize ( ) : void
return void

Normalize() public method

public Normalize ( &result ) : void
return void

Normalize() public static method

Scale the given Quaterniond to unit length
public static Normalize ( &q, &result ) : void
q The Quaterniond to normalize
result The normalized Quaterniond
return void

Parse() public static method

Parses left string, converting it to left Quaterniond.
public static Parse ( string str, &result ) : void
str string The string to parse.
return void

Quaterniond() public method

Constructs left Quaterniond that is left copy of the given Quaterniond.
public Quaterniond ( &Quaterniond ) : System
return System

Quaterniond() public method

Constructs left Quaterniond from the given array of double-precision floating-point numbers.
public Quaterniond ( Array doubleArray ) : System
doubleArray Array The array of doubles for the components of the Quaterniond.
return System

Quaterniond() public method

public Quaterniond ( OpenTK.Matrix3d &matrix ) : System
matrix OpenTK.Matrix3d
return System

Quaterniond() public method

Constructs left Quaterniond from the given matrix. Only contains rotation information.
public Quaterniond ( OpenTK.Matrix4d &matrix ) : System
matrix OpenTK.Matrix4d The matrix for the components of the Quaterniond.
return System

Quaterniond() public method

Construct a new Quaterniond from vector and w components
public Quaterniond ( OpenTK.Vector3d v, double w ) : System
v OpenTK.Vector3d The vector part
w double The w part
return System

Quaterniond() public method

Constructs left Quaterniond from the given components.
public Quaterniond ( double w, OpenTK.Vector3d &vector3d ) : System
w double The W component for the Quaterniond.
vector3d OpenTK.Vector3d A Vector representing the X, Y, and Z componets for the quaterion.
return System

Quaterniond() public method

Construct a new Quaterniond
public Quaterniond ( double x, double y, double z, double w ) : System
x double The x component
y double The y component
z double The z component
w double The w component
return System

Slerp() public static method

Do Spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions
public static Slerp ( q1, q2, double blend ) : Quaterniond
q1 The first Quaterniond
q2 The second Quaterniond
blend double The blend factor
return Quaterniond

Slerp() public static method

public static Slerp ( &start, &end, double blend, &result ) : void
blend double
return void

Sub() public static method

Subtracts two instances.
public static Sub ( left, right ) : Quaterniond
left The left instance.
right The right instance.
return Quaterniond

Sub() public static method

Subtracts two instances.
public static Sub ( &left, &right, &result ) : void
left The left instance.
right The right instance.
result The result of the operation.
return void

Subtract() public method

public Subtract ( &Quaterniond ) : void
return void

Subtract() public method

public Subtract ( &Quaterniond, &result ) : void
return void

Subtract() public static method

public static Subtract ( &left, &right, &result ) : void
return void

ToAxisAngle() public method

Convert this instance to an axis-angle representation.
public ToAxisAngle ( ) : OpenTK.Vector4d
return OpenTK.Vector4d

ToAxisAngle() public method

Convert the current quaternion to axis angle representation
public ToAxisAngle ( OpenTK.Vector3d &axis, double &angle ) : void
axis OpenTK.Vector3d The resultant axis
angle double The resultant angle
return void

ToString() public method

Returns a System.String that represents the current Quaterniond.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

operator() public static method

Adds two instances.
public static operator ( ) : Quaterniond
return Quaterniond

operator() public static method

Compares two instances for equality.
public static operator ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

Identity public_oe static_oe property

Defines the identity quaternion.
public static Quaterniond,OpenTK Identity
return Quaterniond

W public_oe property

The W component of the Quaterniond.
public double W
return double

WAxis public_oe static_oe property

A quaterion representing the W axis.
public static Quaterniond,OpenTK WAxis
return Quaterniond

X public_oe property

The X component of the Quaterniond.
public double X
return double

XAxis public_oe static_oe property

A quaterion representing the X axis.
public static Quaterniond,OpenTK XAxis
return Quaterniond

Y public_oe property

The Y component of the Quaterniond.
public double Y
return double

YAxis public_oe static_oe property

A quaterion representing the Y axis.
public static Quaterniond,OpenTK YAxis
return Quaterniond

Z public_oe property

The Z component of the Quaterniond.
public double Z
return double

ZAxis public_oe static_oe property

A quaterion representing the Z axis.
public static Quaterniond ZAxis
return Quaterniond

Zero public_oe static_oe property

A quaterion with all zero components.
public static Quaterniond Zero
return Quaterniond