Name |
Description |
AutoGeneratedAttribute |
Indicates that this function is generated automatically by a tool. |
BezierCurve |
BezierCurveCubic |
BezierCurveQuadric |
BindingsBase |
Provides a common foundation for all flat API bindings and implements the extension loading interface. |
Box2 |
CarbonGLControl |
Configuration |
Provides information about the underlying OS and runtime. |
Configuration.utsname |
ContextExistsException |
This exception is thrown when a GraphicsContext property cannot be changed after creation. |
Debug |
DisplayDevice |
DisplayResolution |
Contains information regarding a monitor's display resolution. |
DummyGLControl |
EditorBrowsableAttribute |
FadeEffect |
FrameEventArgs |
Defines the arguments for frame events. A FrameEventArgs instance is only valid for the duration of the relevant event; do not store references to FrameEventArgs outside this event. |
Functions |
GLControl |
OpenGL-aware WinForms control. The WinForms designer will always call the default constructor. Inherit from this class and call one of its specialized constructors to enable antialiasing or custom GraphicsModes. |
GLControlFactory |
GameViewBase |
GameWindow |
The GameWindow class contains cross-platform methods to create and render on an OpenGL window, handle input and load resources. |
GraphicsException |
Represents errors related to Graphics operations. |
InputDriver |
KeyPressEventArgs |
Defines the event arguments for KeyPress events. Instances of this class are cached: KeyPressEventArgs should only be used inside the relevant event, unless manually cloned. |
Math |
MathHelper |
Contains common mathematical functions and constants. |
MersenneTwister |
Generates pseudo-random numbers using the Mersenne Twister algorithm. |
MyGLControl |
NativeWindow |
Instances of this class implement the OpenTK.INativeWindow interface on the current platform. |
PlatformException |
Defines a plaftorm specific exception. |
Quaterniond |
Stopwatch |
Toolkit |
Provides static methods to manage an OpenTK application. |
Trace |
UniformRandomGenerator |
WinGLControl |
WinGLControl.MSG |
WinGLControl.POINT |
X11GLControl |
X11GLControl.XVisualInfo |