C# Class UnlimitedShooter, SlashRunner

Represents a projectile shooter with a cooldown on how often it can shoot.
Inheritance: Shooter
Datei anzeigen Open project: matthewAURA/SlashRunner

Public Properties

Property Type Description
cooldown double
shotPrefab GameObject

Public Methods

Method Description
Shoot ( ) : void

Shoots the projectile and restarts the cooldown if the cooldown is ready.

Start ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void

Method Details

Shoot() public method

Shoots the projectile and restarts the cooldown if the cooldown is ready.
public Shoot ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

cooldown public_oe property

Used for keeping track of how often an object could shoot.
public double cooldown
return double

shotPrefab public_oe property

Prefab that represents the projectile.
public GameObject shotPrefab
return GameObject