C# Class PathPlanningKart, cs-mini-modbot-simulation

The PathPlanningKart class contains the state and operations necessary for the kart to perform path planning and related decision making.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Datei anzeigen Open project: intel-cornellcup/mini-modbot-simulation Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
canUseItem bool
closedNodes HashSet
currentPosition Vector3
currentThreadJob DynamicPathThreadJob,
currentWayPoints List
current_waypoint int
dynamicReplan bool
dynamicWayPoints List
isStuck bool
isStuckOffset int
iterationOffset int
jobInProgress bool
nextWayPoints List
nodeInProgress Vector3
startNode Node,
stopWatch Stopwatch
usesWaypoints bool[]

Public Methods

Method Description
PathPlanInitialSegment ( ) : void

Performs path planning for the first path segment by utilizing a DynamicPathThreadJob and waiting for it to complete

PathPlanNextSegment ( ) : void

Performs path planning for the next path segment by utilizing a DynamicPathThreadJob that calculates the path in the background

UseItem ( ) : void

Implements logic for the AI kart to an item if it currently has one

Method Details

PathPlanInitialSegment() public method

Performs path planning for the first path segment by utilizing a DynamicPathThreadJob and waiting for it to complete
public PathPlanInitialSegment ( ) : void
return void

PathPlanNextSegment() public method

Performs path planning for the next path segment by utilizing a DynamicPathThreadJob that calculates the path in the background
public PathPlanNextSegment ( ) : void
return void

UseItem() public method

Implements logic for the AI kart to an item if it currently has one
public UseItem ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

canUseItem public_oe property

public bool canUseItem
return bool

closedNodes public_oe property

public HashSet closedNodes
return HashSet

currentPosition public_oe property

public Vector3 currentPosition
return Vector3

currentThreadJob public_oe property

public DynamicPathThreadJob, currentThreadJob
return DynamicPathThreadJob,

currentWayPoints public_oe property

public List currentWayPoints
return List

current_waypoint public_oe property

public int current_waypoint
return int

dynamicReplan public_oe property

public bool dynamicReplan
return bool

dynamicWayPoints public_oe property

public List dynamicWayPoints
return List

isStuck public_oe property

public bool isStuck
return bool

isStuckOffset public_oe property

public int isStuckOffset
return int

iterationOffset public_oe property

public int iterationOffset
return int

jobInProgress public_oe property

public bool jobInProgress
return bool

nextWayPoints public_oe property

public List nextWayPoints
return List

nodeInProgress public_oe property

public Vector3 nodeInProgress
return Vector3

startNode public_oe property

public Node, startNode
return Node,

stopWatch public_oe property

public Stopwatch stopWatch
return Stopwatch

usesWaypoints public_oe property

public bool[] usesWaypoints
return bool[]