C# Class Statics, TimeLapsus

Class that holds references to common game parts as a singleton.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
ActorMappings EnumActorID>.Dictionary
AllInventoryItems InventoryItem>.Dictionary
Inventory List
SelectedAudioLanguage string
TimelineChanged bool

Public Methods

Method Description
GetFromName ( string name ) : EnumLevel
GetName ( this level ) : string

Private Methods

Method Description
ClearAllData ( ) : void

Method Details

GetFromName() public static method

public static GetFromName ( string name ) : EnumLevel
name string
return EnumLevel

GetName() public static method

public static GetName ( this level ) : string
level this
return string

Property Details

ActorMappings public static property

public static Dictionary ActorMappings
return EnumActorID>.Dictionary

AllInventoryItems public static property

public static Dictionary AllInventoryItems
return InventoryItem>.Dictionary

Inventory public static property

public static List Inventory
return List

SelectedAudioLanguage public static property

public static string SelectedAudioLanguage
return string

TimelineChanged public static property

public static bool TimelineChanged
return bool