C# Class MAVLink.mavlink_gps_raw_int_t, MissionPlanner

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
alt System.Int32
cog System.UInt16
eph System.UInt16
epv System.UInt16
fix_type byte
lat System.Int32
lon System.Int32
satellites_visible byte
time_usec System.UInt64
vel System.UInt16

Property Details

alt public property

Altitude (AMSL, NOT WGS84), in meters * 1000 (positive for up). Note that virtually all GPS modules provide the AMSL altitude in addition to the WGS84 altitude.
public Int32,System alt
return System.Int32

cog public property

Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement) in degrees * 100, 0.0..359.99 degrees. If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX
public UInt16,System cog
return System.UInt16

eph public property

GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position (unitless). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX
public UInt16,System eph
return System.UInt16

epv public property

GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position (unitless). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX
public UInt16,System epv
return System.UInt16

fix_type public property

See the GPS_FIX_TYPE enum.
public byte fix_type
return byte

lat public property

Latitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7
public Int32,System lat
return System.Int32

lon public property

Longitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7
public Int32,System lon
return System.Int32

satellites_visible public property

Number of satellites visible. If unknown, set to 255
public byte satellites_visible
return byte

time_usec public property

Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot)
public UInt64,System time_usec
return System.UInt64

vel public property

GPS ground speed (m/s * 100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX
public UInt16,System vel
return System.UInt16