C# (CSharp) PhotoSharingApp.Universal.ViewModels Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AboutViewModel The ViewModel for about view.
AppShellViewModel The ViewModel for the AppShell.
CameraViewModel The ViewModel for the camera view.
CameraViewModelArgs The navigation arguments for the CameraViewModel.
CategoriesChooserViewModel The ViewModel for the category chooser view.
CategoriesViewModel The ViewModel for the categories view.
CreateCategoryViewModel ViewModel for view that lets the user enter details for a new category and kicks off the creation process.
CropViewModel The ViewModel for the crop view.
CropViewModelArgs The navigation arguments for the CropViewModel.
DebugViewModel ViewModel for debug view.
DefaultUploadFinishedHandler The default handler that is being activated when a photo upload has been finished successfully.
GiveGoldViewModel The ViewModel for the give gold view.
GoldPurchasePromptViewModel The ViewModel for the gold purchase prompt view.
LeaderboardViewModel ViewModel for Leaderboards view.
PageHeaderViewModel ViewModel for the PageHeader UI component.
PhotoDetailsViewModel The ViewModel for the photo details view.
PhotoDetailsViewModelArgs Arguments for navigating to the PhotoDetailsViewModel.
PhotoDetailsViewModelPhotoIdArgs The arguments that are passed to PhotoDetailsViewModel for viewing Photo details page.
ProfileViewModel ViewModel for Profile view.
ProfileViewModelArgs The navigation arguments for the profile view.
SettingsViewModel The ViewModel for the settings view.
ShareTargetUploadFinishedHandler The handler that is being actived when a photo upload has been finished successfully when the app is in the share target mode.
SignInPromptViewModel The ViewModel for the sign-in prompt view.
SignInViewModel The ViewModel for the sign-in view.
StreamViewModel The ViewModel for the photo stream view.
StreamViewModelArgs The navigation arguments for the StreamViewModel.
StreamViewModelThumbnailArgs The navigation arguments for the StreamViewModel.
UploadPhotoControlViewModel The ViewModel for the upload photo control.
UploadViewModel The ViewModel for the upload view.
UploadViewModelArgs The navigation arguments for the upload view.
UploadViewModelEditPhotoArgs The arguments that are passed to UploadViewModel for updating photo details.
ViewModelArgs Base class for ViewModel navigation arguments.
ViewModelBase A base class for ViewModels.
WelcomeViewModel ViewModel for Welcome screen.