이름 |
설명 |
AboutViewModel |
The ViewModel for about view. |
AppShellViewModel |
The ViewModel for the AppShell. |
CameraViewModel |
The ViewModel for the camera view. |
CameraViewModelArgs |
The navigation arguments for the CameraViewModel. |
CategoriesChooserViewModel |
The ViewModel for the category chooser view. |
CategoriesViewModel |
The ViewModel for the categories view. |
CreateCategoryViewModel |
ViewModel for view that lets the user enter details for a new category and kicks off the creation process. |
CropViewModel |
The ViewModel for the crop view. |
CropViewModelArgs |
The navigation arguments for the CropViewModel. |
DebugViewModel |
ViewModel for debug view. |
DefaultUploadFinishedHandler |
The default handler that is being activated when a photo upload has been finished successfully. |
GiveGoldViewModel |
The ViewModel for the give gold view. |
GoldPurchasePromptViewModel |
The ViewModel for the gold purchase prompt view. |
LeaderboardViewModel |
ViewModel for Leaderboards view. |
PageHeaderViewModel |
ViewModel for the PageHeader UI component. |
PhotoDetailsViewModel |
The ViewModel for the photo details view. |
PhotoDetailsViewModelArgs |
Arguments for navigating to the PhotoDetailsViewModel. |
PhotoDetailsViewModelPhotoIdArgs |
The arguments that are passed to PhotoDetailsViewModel for viewing Photo details page. |
ProfileViewModel |
ViewModel for Profile view. |
ProfileViewModelArgs |
The navigation arguments for the profile view. |
SettingsViewModel |
The ViewModel for the settings view. |
ShareTargetUploadFinishedHandler |
The handler that is being actived when a photo upload has been finished successfully when the app is in the share target mode. |
SignInPromptViewModel |
The ViewModel for the sign-in prompt view. |
SignInViewModel |
The ViewModel for the sign-in view. |
StreamViewModel |
The ViewModel for the photo stream view. |
StreamViewModelArgs |
The navigation arguments for the StreamViewModel. |
StreamViewModelThumbnailArgs |
The navigation arguments for the StreamViewModel. |
UploadPhotoControlViewModel |
The ViewModel for the upload photo control. |
UploadViewModel |
The ViewModel for the upload view. |
UploadViewModelArgs |
The navigation arguments for the upload view. |
UploadViewModelEditPhotoArgs |
The arguments that are passed to UploadViewModel for updating photo details. |
ViewModelArgs |
Base class for ViewModel navigation arguments. |
ViewModelBase |
A base class for ViewModels. |
WelcomeViewModel |
ViewModel for Welcome screen. |