C# Class THREE.Camera

显示文件 Open project: guidovanhilst/SharpThreejs Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
far double
matrixWorldInverse Matrix4
near double
projectionMatrix Matrix4

Public Methods

Method Description
getWorldDirection ( Vector3 vector = null ) : Vector3

It returns a vector representing the direction in which the camera is looking, in world space. vector — (optional)

Method Details

getWorldDirection() public method

It returns a vector representing the direction in which the camera is looking, in world space. vector — (optional)
public getWorldDirection ( Vector3 vector = null ) : Vector3
vector Vector3
return Vector3

Property Details

far public_oe property

public double far
return double

matrixWorldInverse public_oe property

public Matrix4,THREE matrixWorldInverse
return Matrix4

near public_oe property

public double near
return double

projectionMatrix public_oe property

public Matrix4,THREE projectionMatrix
return Matrix4