C# Class KMotion_dotNet.KM_AxisGroup

KM_Controller Object for grouping Axis channels
显示文件 Open project: parhansson/KMotionX

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_Acceleration double
_ArcsToSegs bool
_AxisList List
_BreakAngle double
_CollinearTolerance double
_Controller KM_Controller
_CornerTolerance double
_DegreesA bool
_DegreesB bool
_DegreesC bool
_FacetAngle double
_ID int
_LookAhead double
_MaxLength double
_MaxVelocity double
_Name string
_UseOnlyLinearSegments bool
_Velocity double

Public Methods

Method Description
Abort ( ) : void

Abort any Coordinated Motion

AddArc ( double endx, double endy, double centerx, double centery, CANON_PLANE plane, bool clockwise, double finalz ) : void

Perform Coordinated Arc Move (in specified plane) of multiple axis to a desired destination

AddArc ( double endx, double endy, double centerx, double centery, CANON_PLANE plane, bool clockwise, double finalz, double a, double b, double c ) : void

Perform Coordinated Arc Move (in specified plane) of multiple axis to a desired destination with aditional a,b,c, axes linearly interpolated

AddArc ( double endx, double endy, double centerx, double centery, bool clockwise, double finalz ) : void

Perform Coordinated Arc Move of multiple axis to a desired destination

AddCommand ( int command ) : void

Insert special embedded IO commaand into the Coordinated moition buffer

AddLine ( double nextpoint ) : void

Add a linear motion to the coordinated motion buffer

ClearAbort ( ) : void

Clear any Coordinated Motion Abort condition

ClearHalt ( ) : void

Clear any Coordinated Motion Halt condition

CompletePath ( ) : void

Finalize any motion that resides in the coordinated motion buffer

DisableGroup ( ) : void

Abort and disable an entire coordinated group

EnableGroup ( ) : void

Define, configure, and enable an axis group

Halt ( ) : void

Halt any Coordinated Motion

KM_AxisGroup ( KM_Controller controller ) : System

Creates group of axes

MotionComplete ( ) : bool

Checks if the commanded axis group motion is completed

RapidTo ( double position ) : void

Perform Rapid Move (independent motion) of multiple axis to a desired destination and wait until motion is completed

RunGcodeFile ( string file ) : void

Launch GCode Interpreter executing specified GCode file

RunGcodeFileSegment ( string file, int firstline, int lastline ) : void

Launch GCode Interpreter executing specified GCode file

SetMCodeAction ( int num, MCODE_TYPE type, double p1, double p2, double p3, double p4, double p5, string data ) : void

Specifies a specific M Code action to be performed for a encountered MCodeSet. Parameters and data are specific to the action type

SetOffsetData ( int num, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c ) : void

Set Work Fixture Offset to be used by the GCode Interpreter

SetParamsFile ( string paramsfile ) : void

Set Params File name to be used by the GCode Interpreter

SetToolFile ( string toolFile ) : void

Set Tool File name to be used by the GCode Interpreter

SetToolTableEntry ( int index, int slot, int ID, double length, double diameter, double xoffset, double yoffset ) : void

Set Tool Table Entry to be used by the GCode Interpreter

StartPath ( ) : void

Flush/clear coordinated motion buffer and wait for any rapids to complete

StartRapidTo ( double position ) : void

Perform Start of Rapid Move (independent motion) of multiple axis to a desired destination

WaitforMotionComplete ( int timeout ) : bool

Blocks the calling thread until the axis group is in position within a specified time limit

Method Details

Abort() public method

Abort any Coordinated Motion
public Abort ( ) : void
return void

AddArc() public method

Perform Coordinated Arc Move (in specified plane) of multiple axis to a desired destination
public AddArc ( double endx, double endy, double centerx, double centery, CANON_PLANE plane, bool clockwise, double finalz ) : void
endx double
endy double
centerx double
centery double
clockwise bool
finalz double
return void

AddArc() public method

Perform Coordinated Arc Move (in specified plane) of multiple axis to a desired destination with aditional a,b,c, axes linearly interpolated
public AddArc ( double endx, double endy, double centerx, double centery, CANON_PLANE plane, bool clockwise, double finalz, double a, double b, double c ) : void
endx double
endy double
centerx double
centery double
clockwise bool
finalz double
a double
b double
c double
return void

AddArc() public method

Perform Coordinated Arc Move of multiple axis to a desired destination
public AddArc ( double endx, double endy, double centerx, double centery, bool clockwise, double finalz ) : void
endx double
endy double
centerx double
centery double
clockwise bool
finalz double
return void

AddCommand() public method

Insert special embedded IO commaand into the Coordinated moition buffer
public AddCommand ( int command ) : void
command int
return void

AddLine() public method

Add a linear motion to the coordinated motion buffer
public AddLine ( double nextpoint ) : void
nextpoint double
return void

ClearAbort() public method

Clear any Coordinated Motion Abort condition
public ClearAbort ( ) : void
return void

ClearHalt() public method

Clear any Coordinated Motion Halt condition
public ClearHalt ( ) : void
return void

CompletePath() public method

Finalize any motion that resides in the coordinated motion buffer
public CompletePath ( ) : void
return void

DisableGroup() public method

Abort and disable an entire coordinated group
public DisableGroup ( ) : void
return void

EnableGroup() public method

Define, configure, and enable an axis group
public EnableGroup ( ) : void
return void

Halt() public method

Halt any Coordinated Motion
public Halt ( ) : void
return void

KM_AxisGroup() public method

Creates group of axes
public KM_AxisGroup ( KM_Controller controller ) : System
controller KM_Controller
return System

MotionComplete() public method

Checks if the commanded axis group motion is completed
public MotionComplete ( ) : bool
return bool

RapidTo() public method

Perform Rapid Move (independent motion) of multiple axis to a desired destination and wait until motion is completed
public RapidTo ( double position ) : void
position double
return void

RunGcodeFile() public method

Launch GCode Interpreter executing specified GCode file
public RunGcodeFile ( string file ) : void
file string Gcode File Path
return void

RunGcodeFileSegment() public method

Launch GCode Interpreter executing specified GCode file
public RunGcodeFileSegment ( string file, int firstline, int lastline ) : void
file string Gcode File Path
firstline int Gcode line number to start
lastline int Gcode line number to stop
return void

SetMCodeAction() public method

Specifies a specific M Code action to be performed for a encountered MCodeSet. Parameters and data are specific to the action type
public SetMCodeAction ( int num, MCODE_TYPE type, double p1, double p2, double p3, double p4, double p5, string data ) : void
num int MCode Mapping Number
type MCODE_TYPE type of action to be performed
p1 double parameter #1
p2 double parameter #3
p3 double parameter #3
p4 double parameter #4
p5 double parameter #5
data string string parameter - typically a file name
return void

SetOffsetData() public method

Set Work Fixture Offset to be used by the GCode Interpreter
public SetOffsetData ( int num, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c ) : void
num int Fixture Number
x double x offset
y double y offset
z double z offset
a double a offset
b double b offset
c double c offset
return void

SetParamsFile() public method

Set Params File name to be used by the GCode Interpreter
public SetParamsFile ( string paramsfile ) : void
paramsfile string Params File Path String
return void

SetToolFile() public method

Set Tool File name to be used by the GCode Interpreter
public SetToolFile ( string toolFile ) : void
toolFile string Tool File Path String
return void

SetToolTableEntry() public method

Set Tool Table Entry to be used by the GCode Interpreter
public SetToolTableEntry ( int index, int slot, int ID, double length, double diameter, double xoffset, double yoffset ) : void
index int Tool Table Index Number
slot int Tool changer 2 digit slot Number
ID int Tool 4 digit ID Number
length double Tool length offset
diameter double Tool diameter used in radius compensation
xoffset double Tool X Offset
yoffset double Tool Y Offset
return void

StartPath() public method

Flush/clear coordinated motion buffer and wait for any rapids to complete
public StartPath ( ) : void
return void

StartRapidTo() public method

Perform Start of Rapid Move (independent motion) of multiple axis to a desired destination
public StartRapidTo ( double position ) : void
position double
return void

WaitforMotionComplete() public method

Blocks the calling thread until the axis group is in position within a specified time limit
public WaitforMotionComplete ( int timeout ) : bool
timeout int time in ms to wait for axis group to acheive position, 0 will wait indefinitely
return bool

Property Details

_Acceleration protected_oe property

Acceleration to use during positioning
protected double _Acceleration
return double

_ArcsToSegs protected_oe property

Causes Arcs to be converted to segments (Kinematic Setting)
protected bool _ArcsToSegs
return bool

_AxisList protected_oe property

Axis objects that the group is comprised of
protected List _AxisList
return List

_BreakAngle protected_oe property

Trajectory Planner Break Angle, larger angles require full stop
protected double _BreakAngle
return double

_CollinearTolerance protected_oe property

Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
protected double _CollinearTolerance
return double

_Controller protected_oe property

KM_Controller Object for used for device access
protected KM_Controller _Controller
return KM_Controller

_CornerTolerance protected_oe property

Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
protected double _CornerTolerance
return double

_DegreesA protected_oe property

Causes Arcs to be converted to segments (User Setting)
protected bool _DegreesA
return bool

_DegreesB protected_oe property

Axis A is in Degrees
protected bool _DegreesB
return bool

_DegreesC protected_oe property

Axis B is in Degrees
protected bool _DegreesC
return bool

_FacetAngle protected_oe property

Trajectory Planner angles to be used when corner rounding
protected double _FacetAngle
return double

_ID protected_oe property

Axis Group Number
protected int _ID
return int

_LookAhead protected_oe property

Trajectory Planner Plan/Look ahead in seconds
protected double _LookAhead
return double

_MaxLength protected_oe property

Trajectory Planner max allowed length for individual segments (long linear segments can cause cord errors in non-linear systems)
protected double _MaxLength
return double

_MaxVelocity protected_oe property

Maximum velocity to use during positioning and coordinated motion
protected double _MaxVelocity
return double

_Name protected_oe property

Call Name Use to describe what the Axis Group controls i.e. Spindle 1 Carriage, Wrist, etc...
protected string _Name
return string

_UseOnlyLinearSegments protected_oe property

Axis Group Number
protected bool _UseOnlyLinearSegments
return bool

_Velocity protected_oe property

Velocity to use during positioning
protected double _Velocity
return double