C# Class CSharpRoboticsLib.Drive.Interfaces.EncoderDriveExtensions

Provides extentions for IEncoderDrive. These methods do not need to be called statically. You will never need to reference this class.
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Public Methods

Method Description
DriveForAtSpeed ( this drive, IMotionController speedController, double speed, double distance, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives the robot at a set speed for a set distance

DriveForDistance ( this drive, IMotionController controller, double distance, double tolerance, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drive the robot to a relative position according to an IMotionController

DriveForDistance ( this drive, double location, double power, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives the robot at a power until it reaches a relative distance

DriveToAtSpeed ( this drive, IMotionController speedController, double speed, double location, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives the robot at a set speed to a location

DriveToDistance ( this drive, IMotionController controller, double location, double tolerance, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives the robot to a location according to an IMotionController

DriveToDistance ( this drive, double location, double power, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives the robot at a power until it reaches an absolute distance

DynamicDistanceDrive ( this drive, Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives according to a function given enoder distances

DynamicEncoderDrive ( this drive, bool>.Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives according to a function given the drive encoders

DynamicEncoderDrive ( this drive, Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives according to a function given the drive encoders

DynamicSpeedDrive ( this drive, Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void

Drives according to a function given the encoder speeds

Method Details

DriveForAtSpeed() public static method

Drives the robot at a set speed for a set distance
public static DriveForAtSpeed ( this drive, IMotionController speedController, double speed, double distance, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
speedController IMotionController
speed double
distance double
brake bool
interval double
return void

DriveForDistance() public static method

Drive the robot to a relative position according to an IMotionController
public static DriveForDistance ( this drive, IMotionController controller, double distance, double tolerance, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
controller IMotionController
distance double
tolerance double
brake bool
interval double
return void

DriveForDistance() public static method

Drives the robot at a power until it reaches a relative distance
public static DriveForDistance ( this drive, double location, double power, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
location double
power double
brake bool
interval double
return void

DriveToAtSpeed() public static method

Drives the robot at a set speed to a location
public static DriveToAtSpeed ( this drive, IMotionController speedController, double speed, double location, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
speedController IMotionController
speed double
location double
brake bool
interval double
return void

DriveToDistance() public static method

Drives the robot to a location according to an IMotionController
public static DriveToDistance ( this drive, IMotionController controller, double location, double tolerance, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
controller IMotionController
location double
tolerance double
brake bool
interval double
return void

DriveToDistance() public static method

Drives the robot at a power until it reaches an absolute distance
public static DriveToDistance ( this drive, double location, double power, bool brake, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
location double
power double
brake bool
interval double
return void

DynamicDistanceDrive() public static method

Drives according to a function given enoder distances
public static DynamicDistanceDrive ( this drive, Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
expression Func Returns: done driving | Arg1: Left Encoder Distance | Arg2: Right Encoder Distance
interval double
return void

DynamicEncoderDrive() public static method

Drives according to a function given the drive encoders
public static DynamicEncoderDrive ( this drive, bool>.Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
expression bool>.Func Returns: done driving | Arg1: drive encoders
interval double
return void

DynamicEncoderDrive() public static method

Drives according to a function given the drive encoders
public static DynamicEncoderDrive ( this drive, Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
expression Func Returns: done driving | Arg1: Left Encoder | Arg2:Right Encoder
interval double
return void

DynamicSpeedDrive() public static method

Drives according to a function given the encoder speeds
public static DynamicSpeedDrive ( this drive, Func expression, double interval = 0.02 ) : void
drive this
expression Func Returns: done driving | Arg1: left encoder velocity | Arg2: right encoder velocity
interval double
return void