C# Class Vector3PathTweenProperty, GoKit

Inheritance: AbstractTweenProperty, IGenericProperty
显示文件 Open project: prime31/GoKit Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Vector3PathTweenProperty ( string propertyName, GoSpline, path, bool isRelative = false ) : System
prepareForUse ( ) : void
tick ( float totalElapsedTime ) : void
validateTarget ( object target ) : bool

validation checks to make sure the target has a valid property with an accessible setter

Method Details

Vector3PathTweenProperty() public method

public Vector3PathTweenProperty ( string propertyName, GoSpline, path, bool isRelative = false ) : System
propertyName string
path GoSpline,
isRelative bool
return System

prepareForUse() public method

public prepareForUse ( ) : void
return void

tick() public method

public tick ( float totalElapsedTime ) : void
totalElapsedTime float
return void

validateTarget() public method

validation checks to make sure the target has a valid property with an accessible setter
public validateTarget ( object target ) : bool
target object
return bool