C# (CSharp) YAMP.Errors Пространство имен


Имя Описание
YAMPBracketEmptyError A bracket error occurred.
YAMPBracketNotClosedError A bracket error occurred.
YAMPDoWhileNotEmptyError A do while statement is wrong.
YAMPEscapeSequenceNotFoundError The escape sequence not found error.
YAMPExpressionExpectedError The expression expected error.
YAMPExpressionMissingError The expression missing error.
YAMPForArgumentsMissing The for argument missing error.
YAMPFunctionArgumentsMissing The function argument missing error.
YAMPFunctionArgumentsSymbols The function arguments symbols errors.
YAMPFunctionBodyMissing The function body missing.
YAMPFunctionNameMissing The function name missing error.
YAMPIfArgumentsMissing The if argument missing error.
YAMPIfRequiredError The if required error.
YAMPKeywordNotPossible The keyword not possible error.
YAMPMatrixNotClosedError The matrix not closed error.
YAMPOperatorMissingError The operator missing error.
YAMPParseError Any error during parsing will be noted as an instance of this class.
YAMPScopeNotClosedError The scope not closed error.
YAMPSingleElseError The single else error.
YAMPStringNotTerminatedError The string not terminated error.
YAMPTerminatorMissingError The terminator missing error.
YAMPVariableNameMissing The variable name missing error.
YAMPWhileArgumentsMissing A while argument is missing.