Name |
Description |
YAMPBracketEmptyError |
A bracket error occurred. |
YAMPBracketNotClosedError |
A bracket error occurred. |
YAMPDoWhileNotEmptyError |
A do while statement is wrong. |
YAMPEscapeSequenceNotFoundError |
The escape sequence not found error. |
YAMPExpressionExpectedError |
The expression expected error. |
YAMPExpressionMissingError |
The expression missing error. |
YAMPForArgumentsMissing |
The for argument missing error. |
YAMPFunctionArgumentsMissing |
The function argument missing error. |
YAMPFunctionArgumentsSymbols |
The function arguments symbols errors. |
YAMPFunctionBodyMissing |
The function body missing. |
YAMPFunctionNameMissing |
The function name missing error. |
YAMPIfArgumentsMissing |
The if argument missing error. |
YAMPIfRequiredError |
The if required error. |
YAMPKeywordNotPossible |
The keyword not possible error. |
YAMPMatrixNotClosedError |
The matrix not closed error. |
YAMPOperatorMissingError |
The operator missing error. |
YAMPParseError |
Any error during parsing will be noted as an instance of this class. |
YAMPScopeNotClosedError |
The scope not closed error. |
YAMPSingleElseError |
The single else error. |
YAMPStringNotTerminatedError |
The string not terminated error. |
YAMPTerminatorMissingError |
The terminator missing error. |
YAMPVariableNameMissing |
The variable name missing error. |
YAMPWhileArgumentsMissing |
A while argument is missing. |