C# (CSharp) SwfDotNet.IO.Tags.Types Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AlphaBitmapData AlphaBitmapData
AlphaColorMapData AlphaColorMapData
Assert Assert
AssertCollection Assert collection
BitmapColorData BitmapColorData
BitmapFill BitmapFill is used to fill a shape with an image.
ButtonCondaction ButtonCondaction
ButtonCondactionCollection ButtonCondactionCollection
ButtonRecord ButtonRecord class
ButtonRecordCollection ButtonRecordCollection class
CXForm The CXForm is used to change the colour of a shape or button without changing the values in the original definition of the object.
CXFormWithAlphaData CXFormWithAlphaData.
ClipActionRec The ClipActionRecord class.
ColorMapData ColorMapData
CurvedEdgeRecord CurvedEdgeRecord is used to define a curve. Curved lines are constructed using a Quadratic Bezier curve.
EdgeRecord EdgeRecord
EndShapeRecord EndShapeRecord defines the end of a shape sequence.
FillStyle FillStyle is the abstract class for the following classes: SolidFill, GradientFill and BitmapFill
FillStyleCollection FillStyleCollection is the typed collection for the FillStyle extended objects: SolidFill, GradientFill and BitmapFill
GlyphEntry GlyphEntry
GlyphEntryCollection GlyphEntryCollection
GlyphShapesCollection GlyphShapesCollection
GradientFill GradientFill defines how a color changes across an area to be filled with color.
GradientRecord Gradient Record
GradientRecordCollection GradientRecordCollection class
H263VideoPacket H263VideoPacket class
ImageBlock Video ImageBlock class
KerningRecord KerningRecord
KerningRecordCollection KerningRecordCollection class
LineStyle LineStyle class
LineStyleCollection LineStyleCollection class
Matrix Matrix is used to specify two-dimensional coordinate transforms, allowing an object to be scaled, rotated or moved without changing the original definition of how the object is drawn.
MorphBitmapFill MorphBitmapFill
MorphFillStyle MorphFillStyle
MorphFillStyleCollection MorphFillStyleCollection
MorphGradRecord MorphGradRecord
MorphGradientCollection MorphGradientCollection
MorphGradientFill MorphGradientFill
MorphLineStyle MorphLineStyle
MorphLineStyleCollection MorphLineStyleCollection
MorphSolidFill MorphSolidFill
NonEdgeRecord NonEdgeRecord class
Pix Abstract Pix class.
Pix15 Pix15
Pix24 Pix24
RGBColor RGBColor class
Rect Rect
RectCollection RectCollection class
ScreenVideoPacket ScreenVideoPacket class
ShapeRecord ShapeRecord class
ShapeRecordCollection ShapeRecordCollection
ShapeWithStyle ShapeWithStyle class
ShortCollection ShortCollection class
SizeStruct SizeStruct
SolidFill SolidFill defines a solid color that is used to fill an enclosed area in a shape.
SoundEnvelope SoundEnvelope
SoundEnvelopeCollection SoundEnvelopeCollection class
SoundInfo SoundInfo
StraightEdgeRecord StraightEdgeRecord defines a straight line.
StyleChangeRecord StyleChangeRecord is used to change the drawing environment when a shape is drawn.
TextRecord Text Record class
TextRecordCollection TextRecordCollection class
VideoPacket Abstract Video Packet class