C# Класс SwfDotNet.IO.Tags.Types.StraightEdgeRecord

StraightEdgeRecord defines a straight line.

The line is drawn from the current drawing point to the end point specified in the StraightEdgeRecord object which is specified relative to the current drawing point. Once the line is drawn, the end of the line is now the current drawing point.

The relative coordinates are specified in twips (where 20 twips = 1 pixel) and must be in the range -65536..65535.

Lines are drawn with rounded corners and line ends. Different join and line end styles can be created by drawing line segments as a sequence of filled shapes. With 1 twip equal to 1/20th of a pixel this technique can easily be used to draw the narrowest of visible lines.

This tag was introduced in Flash 1.

Наследование: EdgeRecord
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetBitSizeOf ( int currentLength ) : int

see ShapeRecord.GetBitSizeOf

ReadData ( BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader, byte flags ) : void

Reads the data.

Serialize ( XmlWriter writer ) : void

Serializes the specified writer.

StraightEdgeRecord ( ) : System

Creates a new StraightEdgeRecord instance.

StraightEdgeRecord ( int deltaX, int deltaY ) : System

Creates a new StraightEdgeRecord instance.

WriteTo ( BufferedBinaryWriter writer ) : void

Writes to.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetNumBits ( ) : uint

Gets the num bits.

HasGeneralLine ( ) : bool

Determines whether [has general line].

HasVerticalLine ( ) : bool

Determines whether [has vertical line].

Описание методов

GetBitSizeOf() публичный Метод

see ShapeRecord.GetBitSizeOf
public GetBitSizeOf ( int currentLength ) : int
currentLength int
Результат int

ReadData() публичный Метод

Reads the data.
public ReadData ( BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader, byte flags ) : void
binaryReader SwfDotNet.IO.Utils.BufferedBinaryReader Binary reader.
flags byte Flags.
Результат void

Serialize() публичный Метод

Serializes the specified writer.
public Serialize ( XmlWriter writer ) : void
writer System.Xml.XmlWriter Writer.
Результат void

StraightEdgeRecord() публичный Метод

Creates a new StraightEdgeRecord instance.
public StraightEdgeRecord ( ) : System
Результат System

StraightEdgeRecord() публичный Метод

Creates a new StraightEdgeRecord instance.
public StraightEdgeRecord ( int deltaX, int deltaY ) : System
deltaX int Delta X.
deltaY int Delta Y.
Результат System

WriteTo() публичный Метод

Writes to.
public WriteTo ( BufferedBinaryWriter writer ) : void
writer SwfDotNet.IO.Utils.BufferedBinaryWriter Writer.
Результат void