Имя |
Описание |
AbstractScreen |
BGMusic |
Static class for managing all the background music for the game, using the NAudio library. Currently supports playing, pausing, resuming, stopping, fading in and out, and looping. Fading effects are recommended when changing screens/songs. When providing song file names, please specify the file extension (it's not necessary, but recommended). |
BGMusic.FadeInOutSampleProviderAdapted |
This helper class is lifted straight out of NAudio samples (with minor edits) to allow for fading/looping |
Bathroom |
BraceFace |
A character that encapsulates all the movement and attack logic for the mini-boss |
BraceFace.HealthBarTexture |
Cafeteria |
CameraOffsetEventArgs |
Character |
Character extends from FreeMovingSprite, adding behavior for movement and inventory. Each character also has an Inventory (all his/her items). |
CharacterBankSave |
CharacterManager |
ClockSave |
ClueEntry |
CluePanel |
CollisionManager |
ComputerLab |
ConditionalParser |
A parser for evaluating conditional statements in text files (interactions, journal entries, etc.). Grammar explanation: The first word specifies the type of information to look up. The following words are specific to each type. Types currently supported: [Quest, Reputation, Inventory] Quest: The second word must be a valid QuestID; the third to nth words specify a state that quest should have (i.e. some combination of QuestStates). States can be combined through the use of the words "and", "or", and "not". These word operators have no hierarchy or precedence; the expression is simply read left to right. E.g. Quest FoodFight Progress1 or Progress2 and not Complete Reputation: The second word must specify the clique (Nerd, Jock, Prep, Bully, Slacker). The next token is a C relational operator (<, >, <=, >=, ==). The last token can either be an integer specifying the amount of reputation points to compare, OR it can be the name of another clique (to compare against the reputation points of that clique). E.g. Reputation Nerd > 20 E.g. Reputation Prep >= Jock Inventory: The second word must specify the item type in question (found in the Item enum in Inventory.cs). The next token is a C relational operator (<, >, <=, >=, ==). The last token must be an integer specifying the number of that item to compare. NOTE: If the last two arguments are ignored, "> 0" will automatically be appended to the statement. E.g. Inventory Meds > 3 Location: The last word must specify the room (select from an ID in the PlaceID enum in Room.cs). The word modifier "not" can be used to negate the statement. E.g. Location Cafeteria E.g. Location not Library On a final note, different types of information can be combined into one statement by taking each individual statement and inserting "and" or "or" between them as necessary. The word operators have no order of precedence; the expression is read left to right. E.g. Quest FoodFight Complete and Location Cafeteria |
CreditsScreen |
CursorArrow |
DialogPanel |
DialogueEventParser |
Directories |
ExitEntry |
FootballField |
FreeMovingSprite |
A child of Sprite that has the ability to move around the scene through preprogrammed directions or through user control. Can move with speed and acceleration independent of framerate - the units for these quantities are pixels/sec and pixels/(sec^2). |
Game1 |
This is the main type for your game |
GameClock |
Hallway |
HallwayEast |
HallwayWest |
Hero |
Hero extends from Character, and is used for the main character |
Hero.DialogueEntry |
Hero.DialoguePanel |
Class to handle the dialogue box/moving through the line tree, etc. |
Hero.HealthBarTexture |
Hero.PickpocketSystem |
HeroSave |
Structure for saving data about a Hero. |
InGameMenu |
Static class for handling the in-game menu. |
InnerMonologue |
InnerMonologue.ConditionalGroup |
InnerMonologue.MonologueLine |
Interaction |
Main interaction class. Responsible for loading dialogue from an interaction file, presenting list of lines. |
InteractionConditional |
InteractionLinkedTreeNode |
An extension of the interaction node with a list of responses. Used for NPC lines (which are linked to hero responses). |
InteractionTreeNode |
The basic interaction node, used for hero responses. Contains event type and arguments for each event. |
Inventory |
Represents an assortment of items; each Character has an Inventory to hold his/her own collection |
InventoryEventArgs |
InventoryPanel |
InventorySave |
ItemEntry |
JournalInfoPanel |
KeyConfigPanel |
KeyModifierEntry |
KeyboardManager |
Static class that has three purposes: 1) To easily tell if a key is held down or has been just pressed, 2) To handle complex keyboard input for the game with simple method calls, 3) To store custom key controls for the game. |
Library |
LineException |
Wrapper class for Exception designed for when a line in a dialogue file isn't valid. |
ListPanel |
ListPanel.ScrollBar |
LoadGameScreen |
LocationNamePanel |
MagazineOffice |
MainEntrance |
MainGameScreen |
MathClassroom |
MenuEntry |
NotificationPanel |
Panel |
Panel.BorderSystem |
PanelGroup |
PanelGroupSorter |
Pickup |
Pickup extends from Sprite, adding information for an Item attribute |
PopInOutSprite |
An extension of SmoothMovingSprite that is designed to move on and off screen between two (generally static) points. Handles transitions during moving transitions (i.e. popping out while popping in and vice-versa) with ease. Used for menu components. |
Program |
The main class. |
Projectile |
Quest |
Static class for managing quest triggers (events that set up changes in the game) |
QuestEventArgs |
ReputationPanel |
Room |
SaveDataEntry |
SaveDataPanel |
SaveGameData |
Stores all the information of a save state. |
SaveManager |
Static class for managing save states. Saves games by serializing SaveGameData as XML and then encrypting it. The encryption prevents players from easily accessing and "hacking" the XML files. |
SaveTypeSpecifierEntry |
ScienceClassroom |
ScreenSpecifierEntry |
ScreenTransition |
Handles the fade in and out between different screens or scenes. |
SmoothMovingSprite |
An extension of Sprite that is designed to move automatically to any given location. Different types of movement (specified in the SmoothMoveType enum) can be used for different effects. |
SoundConfigPanel |
SoundFX |
SoundModifierEntry |
SplashScreen |
Sprite |
Class for anything that can be drawn with a sprite. Characters and Pickups (and other drawable game components) can extend from this class to add behavior to the sprite. Alternative, just use this class for simple or static drawings. |
StartScreen |
StudentLounge |
SubMenuFocusEntry |
TextPanel |
WorldManager |