C# (CSharp) NewTOAPIA.Graphics.Processor Пространство имен


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GPLang GPLang represents the set of functions that are typically useful in the implementation of graphics related programs. The initial set follows the functions that are found in OpenGL Shader programming (GLSL - 1.4). The chapter references in the regions are from the second edition of the orange book. As they are generally useful, any effort related to graphics programming might find them to be handy. These functions are implemented as static methods for a couple of reasons: 1) There is no instance information needed 2) It makes it easy to subclass the GPLang class and have an interface that is easy to utilize without having to use '.' notation. This latter point is used by the GPShader class. You can essentially copy shader programs straight out of the 'Orange' book and implement them in C#. That's pretty cool. Similarly, if you want to use these routines from another context, there's not too much to type: GPLang.clamp(x, minVal, maxVal) etc.