C# (CSharp) NetFx.Templates.Projects.OpenSource.Extension Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AddSourceReferenceWizard Saves the solution with the same name as the unfolded project parent directory, under that directory.
EnsureNoSolutionFolder Ensures that the "Create directory for solution" flag is not checked.
ExtensionInformationView Interaction logic for ExtensionInformation.xaml
ExtensionInformationWizard Prompts for and populates the extension information replacement dictionary.
GetExtensionInformationWizard Gets all context information for the extension.
GetSolutionNameWizard Adds the $solutionname$ dictionary replacement value, taking it from the current call context.
MoveSourceToPathWizard Moves the unfolded Source.cs file to the target namespace folder area under content.
SaveSolutionWizard Saves the solution with the same name as the unfolded project parent directory, under that directory.
SetSolutionNameWizard Adds the $solutionname$ dictionary replacement value, using the parent folder name.