C# Класс NetFx.Templates.Projects.OpenSource.Extension.ExtensionInformationWizard

Prompts for and populates the extension information replacement dictionary.
Наследование: IWizard
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BeforeOpeningFile ( ProjectItem projectItem ) : void
ProjectFinishedGenerating ( Project project ) : void
ProjectItemFinishedGenerating ( ProjectItem projectItem ) : void
RunFinished ( ) : void
RunStarted ( object automationObject, string>.Dictionary replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object customParams ) : void

Runs custom wizard logic at the beginning of a template wizard run.

ShouldAddProjectItem ( string filePath ) : bool

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Backout ( string message ) : void
TraverseUp ( DirectoryInfo dir ) : IEnumerable

Описание методов

BeforeOpeningFile() публичный Метод

public BeforeOpeningFile ( ProjectItem projectItem ) : void
projectItem ProjectItem
Результат void

ProjectFinishedGenerating() публичный Метод

public ProjectFinishedGenerating ( Project project ) : void
project Project
Результат void

ProjectItemFinishedGenerating() публичный Метод

public ProjectItemFinishedGenerating ( ProjectItem projectItem ) : void
projectItem ProjectItem
Результат void

RunFinished() публичный Метод

public RunFinished ( ) : void
Результат void

RunStarted() публичный Метод

Runs custom wizard logic at the beginning of a template wizard run.
public RunStarted ( object automationObject, string>.Dictionary replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object customParams ) : void
automationObject object The automation object being used by the template wizard.
replacementsDictionary string>.Dictionary The list of standard parameters to be replaced.
runKind WizardRunKind A indicating the type of wizard run.
customParams object The custom parameters with which to perform parameter replacement in the project.
Результат void

ShouldAddProjectItem() публичный Метод

public ShouldAddProjectItem ( string filePath ) : bool
filePath string
Результат bool