Имя |
Описание |
AudioFileReader |
AudioFileReader simplifies opening an audio file in NAudio Simply pass in the filename, and it will attempt to open the file and set up a conversion path that turns into PCM IEEE float. ACM codecs will be used for conversion. It provides a volume property and implements both WaveStream and ISampleProvider, making it possibly the only stage in your audio pipeline necessary for simple playback scenarios |
Cue |
Holds information on a cue: a labeled position within a Wave file |
CueList |
Holds a list of cues |
DirectSoundDeviceInfo |
Class for enumerating DirectSound devices |
DirectSoundOut |
NativeDirectSoundOut using DirectSound COM interop. Contact author: Alexandre Mutel - alexandre_mutel at yahoo.fr Modified by: Graham "Gee" Plumb |
DirectSoundOut.BufferCaps |
DirectSoundOut.BufferDescription |
DirectSoundOut.DirectSoundBufferPositionNotify |
Mp3FileReader |
Class for reading from MP3 files |
Mp3Index |
OggWaveFormat |
QuadToStereoStream32 |
Takes a quad 32 bit input and turns it stereo, mixing channels 1,2 into 1' and 2,3 into 2' |
WasapiOut |
Support for playback using Wasapi |
WaveFormat |
WaveFormatExtraData |
WaveIn |
Allows recording using the Windows waveIn APIs Events are raised as recorded buffers are made available |
WaveOut |
Represents a wave out device |
WaveOutEvent |
Alternative WaveOut class, making use of the Event callback |
WaveStream |
Base class for all WaveStream classes. Derives from stream. |