C# (CSharp) NAudio.Wave Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AudioFileReader AudioFileReader simplifies opening an audio file in NAudio Simply pass in the filename, and it will attempt to open the file and set up a conversion path that turns into PCM IEEE float. ACM codecs will be used for conversion. It provides a volume property and implements both WaveStream and ISampleProvider, making it possibly the only stage in your audio pipeline necessary for simple playback scenarios
Cue Holds information on a cue: a labeled position within a Wave file
CueList Holds a list of cues
DirectSoundDeviceInfo Class for enumerating DirectSound devices
DirectSoundOut NativeDirectSoundOut using DirectSound COM interop. Contact author: Alexandre Mutel - alexandre_mutel at yahoo.fr Modified by: Graham "Gee" Plumb
Mp3FileReader Class for reading from MP3 files
QuadToStereoStream32 Takes a quad 32 bit input and turns it stereo, mixing channels 1,2 into 1' and 2,3 into 2'
WasapiOut Support for playback using Wasapi
WaveIn Allows recording using the Windows waveIn APIs Events are raised as recorded buffers are made available
WaveOut Represents a wave out device
WaveOutEvent Alternative WaveOut class, making use of the Event callback
WaveStream Base class for all WaveStream classes. Derives from stream.