C# (CSharp) IrcShark.Chatting.Irc Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
BadNickEventArgs The EventArgs for the BadNick event.
ConnectEventArgs The ConnectEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.ConnectEventHandler and the IrcClient.OnConnect event.
ErrorEventArgs The ErrorEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.ErrorEventHandler and the IrcClient.Error event.
FlagDefinition Represents a definition for a flag what can be set to a user or channel.
IrcClient Manages a simple irc connection on a low raw level.
IrcEventArgs This cöass represents the EventArgs for irc protocol event.
IrcLine Represents a raw irc line received over an irc connection.
IrcProtocol Describes the internet relay chat protocol and its parameters.
IrcServerEndPoint Represents an irc endpoint for an irc connection.
IrcStandardDefinition This class saves the standard, used by a server, the associated IrcShark.Chatting.Irc.IrcClient is connected to.
JoinReceivedEventArgs The JoinReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.JoinReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.JoinReceived event.
KickReceivedEventArgs Description of KickReceivedEventArgs.
LineReceivedEventArgs The LineReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.LineReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.LineReceived event.
LoginEventArgs The LoginEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.LoginEventHandler and the IrcClient.OnLogin event.
MessageReceivedEventArgs The MessageReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.MessageReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.MessageReceived event.
Mode The Mode class represents one mode set in an irc mode line.
NoticeReceivedEventArgs The NoticeReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.NoticeReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.NoticeReceived event.
NumericReceivedEventArgs The NumericReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.NumericReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.NumericReceived event.
PartReceivedEventArgs The PartReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.PartReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.PartReceived event.
PingReceivedEventArgs The PingReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.PingReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.PingReceived event.
QuitReceivedEventArgs The QuitReceivedEventArgs belongs to the IrcClient.QuitReceivedEventHandler and the IrcClient.QuitReceived event.
UserInfo Holds host informations about a user.