C# (CSharp) IrcShark.Chatting.Irc.Extended Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ChannelUser The ChannelUser is used by the Channel class to represent a user.
JoinedEventArgs The JoinedEventArgs belongs to the ChannelManager.JoinedEventHandler and the ChannelManager.Joined event.
LeftEventArgs The PartedEventArgs belongs to the ChannelManager.PartedEventHandler and the ChannelManager.Parted event.
User An instance of the User class represents a user on the IRC network.
UserJoinEventArgs The UserJoinEventArgs are used by the Channel.UserJoin event.
UserLeaveEventArgs The UserLeaveEventArgs are used by the IrcShark.Chatting.Irc.Extended.Channel.UserLeave event.