Имя |
Описание |
Abomination |
Represents the Abomination card Taunt. Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to ALL characters. |
AbusiveSergeant |
Implements the Abusive Sergeant Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack this turn. |
AcidicSwampOoze |
Implements the Acidic Swamp Ooze Battlecry: Destroy your opponent's weapon. |
AcolyteOfPain |
Implements the Acolyte of Pain Whenever this minion takes damage, draw a card. |
AlAkirtheWindlord |
Implements the Al'Akir the Windlord Windfury, Charge, Divine Shield, Taunt |
AlarmoBot |
Implements the Alarm-o-Bot At the start of your turn, swap this minion with a random one in your hand. |
AldorPeacekeeper |
Implements the Aldor Peacekeeper Battlecry: Change an enemy minion's Attack to 1. |
Alexstrasza |
Implements the Alexstrasza Battlecry: Set a hero's remaining Health to 15. |
AmaniBerserker |
Implements the Amani Berserker Enrage: +3 Attack |
AncientBrewmaster |
Implements the Ancient Brewmaster Battlecry: Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand. |
AncientMage |
Implements the Ancient Mage Battlecry: Give adjacent minions Spell Damage +1. |
AncientOfLore |
Implements the Ancient of Lore Choose One - Draw 2 cards; or Restore 5 Health. |
AncientOfWar |
Implements the Ancient of War Choose One -\n+5 Attack; or +5 Health and Taunt. |
AncientWatcher |
Implements the Ancient Watcher Can't Attack. |
AngryChicken |
Implements the Angry Chicken Enrage: +5 Attack. |
AnubarAmbusher |
Implements the Anub'ar Ambusher Deathrattle: Return a random friendly minion to your hand. |
ArathiWeaponsmith |
Implements the Arathi Weaponsmith Battlecry: Equip a 2/2 weapon. |
ArcaneGolem |
Implements the Arcane Golem Charge. Battlecry: Give your opponent a Mana Crystal. |
Archmage |
Implements the Archmage Spell Damage +1 |
ArchmageAntonidas |
Implements the Archmage Antonidas Whenever you cast a spell, add a 'Fireball' spell to your hand. |
ArgentCommander |
Implements the Argent Commander Charge, Divine Shield |
ArgentProtector |
Implements the Argent Protector Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Divine Shield. |
ArgentSquire |
Implements the Argent Squire Divine Shield |
Armorsmith |
Implements the Armorsmith Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, gain 1 Armor. |
AuchenaiSoulpriest |
Implements the Auchenai Soulpriest Your cards and powers that restore Health now deal damage instead. |
AvatarOfTheCoin |
Implements the Avatar of the Coin You lost the coin flip, but gained a friend. |
AzureDrake |
Implements the Azure Drake Spell Damage +1. Battlecry: Draw a card. |
BaineBloodhoof |
Implements the Baine Bloodhoof |
BaronGeddon |
Implements the Baron Geddon At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to ALL other characters. |
BaronRivendare |
Implements the Baron Rivendare Your minions trigger their Deathrattles twice. |
Barrel |
Implements the Barrel Is something in this barrel? |
BigGameHunter |
Implements the Big Game Hunter Battlecry: Destroy a minion with an Attack of 7 or more. |
BloodImp |
Implements the Blood Imp Stealth. At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health. |
BloodKnight |
Implements the Blood Knight Battlecry: All minions lose Divine Shield. Gain +3/+3 for each Shield lost. |
BloodfenRaptor |
Implements the BloodfenRaptor Beast Minion |
BloodmageThalnos |
Implements the Bloodmage Thalnos Spell Damage +1. Deathrattle: Draw a card. |
BloodsailCorsair |
Implements the Bloodsail Corsair Battlecry: Remove 1 Durability from your opponent's weapon. |
BloodsailRaider |
Implements the Bloodsail Raider Battlecry: Gain Attack equal to the Attack of your weapon. |
BluegillWarrior |
Implements the Bluegill Warrior Charge |
Boar |
Implements the Boar |
BootyBayBodyguard |
Implements the Booty Bay Bodyguard Taunt |
BoulderfistOgre |
Implements the Boulderfist Ogre |
Brewmaster |
Implements the Brewmaster |
CabalShadowPriest |
Implements the Cabal Shadow Priest Battlecry: Take control of an enemy minion that has 2 or less Attack. |
CairneBloodhoof |
Implements the Cairne Bloodhoof Deathrattle: Summon a 4/5 Baine Bloodhoof. |
CaptainGreenskin |
Implements the Captain Greenskin Battlecry: Give your weapon +1/+1. |
CaptainsParrot |
Implements the Captain's Parrot Battlecry: Put a random Pirate from your deck into your hand. |
Cenarius |
Implements the Cenarius Choose One - Give your other minions +2/+2; or Summon two 2/2 Treants with Taunt. |
Chicken |
Implements the Chicken Hey Chicken! |
ChillwindYeti |
Implements the Chillwind Yeti Basic Minion |
ColdlightOracle |
Implements the Coldlight Oracle Battlecry: Each player draws 2 cards. |
ColdlightSeer |
Implements the Coldlight Seer Battlecry: Give ALL other Murlocs +2 Health. |
CoreHound |
Implements the Core Hound |
CrazedAlchemist |
Implements the Crazed Alchemist Battlecry: Swap the Attack and Health of a minion. |
CrazedHunter |
Implements the Crazed Hunter |
CrazyMonkey |
Implements the Crazy Monkey Battlecry: Throw Bananas. |
CruelTaskmaster |
Implements the Cruel Taskmaster Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack. |
CultMaster |
Implements the Cult Master Whenever one of your other minions dies, draw a card. |
DalaranMage |
Implements the Dalaran Mage Spell Damage +1 |
DamagedGolem |
Implements the Damaged Golem |
DancingSwords |
Implements the Dancing Swords Deathrattle: Your opponent draws a card. |
DarkCultist |
Implements the Dark Cultist Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion +3 Health. |
DarkIronDwarf |
Implements the Dark Iron Dwarf Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack this turn. |
DarkscaleHealer |
Implements the Darkscale Healer Battlecry: Restore 2 Health to all friendly characters. |
Deathcharger |
Implements the Deathcharger Charge. Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to your hero. |
Deathlord |
Implements the Deathlord Taunt. Deathrattle: Your opponent puts a minion from their deck into the battlefield. |
Deathwing |
Implements the Deathwing Battlecry: Destroy all other minions and discard your hand. |
Defender |
Implements the Defender |
DefenderofArgus |
Implements the Defender of Argus Battlecry: Give adjacent minions +1/+1 and Taunt. |
DefiasBandit |
Implements the Defias Bandit |
DefiasRingleader |
Implements the Defias Ringleader Combo: Summon a 2/1 Defias Bandit. |
Demolisher |
Implements the Demolisher At the start of your turn, deal 2 damage to a random enemy. |
Devilsaur |
Implements the Devilsaur |
DireWolfAlpha |
Implements the Dire Wolf Alpha Adjacent minions have +1 Attack. |
Doomguard |
Implements the Doomguard Charge. Battlecry: Discard two random cards. |
Doomsayer |
Implements the Doomsayer At the start of your turn, destroy ALL minions. |
DragonlingMechanic |
Implements the Dragonling Mechanic Battlecry: Summon a 2/1 Mechanical Dragonling. |
DreadCorsair |
Implements the Dread Corsair Taunt. Costs (1) less per Attack of your weapon. |
DreadInfernal |
Implements the Dread Infernal Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to ALL other characters. |
DruidoftheClaw |
Implements the Druid of the Claw Taunt |
DustDevil |
Implements the Dust Devil Windfury. Overload: (2) |
EarthElemental |
Implements the Earth Elemental Taunt. Overload: (3) |
EarthenRingFarseer |
Implements the Earthen Ring Farseer Battlecry: Restore 3 Health. |
EchoingOoze |
Implements the Echoing Ooze Battlecry: Summon an exact copy of this minion at the end of the turn. |
EdwinVanCleef |
Implements the Edwin VanCleef Combo: Gain +2/+2 for each card played earlier this turn. |
EliteTaurenChieftain |
Implements the Elite Tauren Chieftain Battlecry: Give both players the power to ROCK! (with a Power Chord card) |
ElvenArcher |
Implements the Elven Archer Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. |
Emboldener3000 |
Implements the Emboldener 3000 At the end of your turn, give a random minion +1/+1. |
EmeraldDrake |
Implements the Emerald Drake |
EmperorCobra |
Implements the Emperor Cobra Destroy any minion damaged by this minion. |
EtherealArcanist |
Implements the Ethereal Arcanist If you control a Secret at the end of your turn, gain +2/+2. |
FacelessManipulator |
Implements the Faceless Manipulator Battlecry: Choose a minion and become a copy of it. |
FaerieDragon |
Implements the Faerie Dragon Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers. |
FalloutSlime |
Implements the Fallout Slime |
Felguard |
Implements the Felguard Taunt. Battlecry: Destroy one of your Mana Crystals. |
FenCreeper |
Implements the Fen Creeper Taunt |
Feugen |
Implements the Feugen |
FinkleEinhorn |
Implements the Finkle Einhorn |
FireElemental |
Implements the Fire Elemental Battlecry: Deal 3 damage. |
FlameImp |
Implements the Flame Imp Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to your hero. |
FlameofAzzinoth |
Implements the Flame of Azzinoth |
FlametongueTotem |
Implements the Flametongue Totem Adjacent minions have +2 Attack. |
FlesheatingGhoul |
Implements the Flesheating Ghoul Whenever a minion dies, gain +1 Attack. |
Frog |
Implements the Frog Taunt |
FrostElemental |
Implements the Frost Elemental Basic Minion |
FrostwolfGrunt |
Implements the Frostwolf Grunt Taunt |
FrostwolfWarlord |
Implements the Frostwolf Warlord Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each other friendly minion on the battlefield. |
FrothingBerserker |
Implements the Frothing Berserker Whenever a minion takes damage, gain +1 Attack. |
FrozenChampion |
Implements the Frozen Champion Permanently Frozen. Adjacent minions are Immune to Frost Breath. |
GadgetzanAuctioneer |
Implements the Gadgetzan Auctioneer Whenever you cast a spell, draw a card. |
GelbinMekkatorque |
Implements the Gelbin Mekkatorque Battlecry: Summon an AWESOME invention. |
Gnoll |
Implements the Gnoll Taunt |
GnomishInventor |
Implements the Gnomish Inventor Battlecry: Draw a card. |
GoldshireFootman |
Implements the Goldshire Footman Taunt |
GrimscaleOracle |
Implements the Grimscale Oracle ALL other Murlocs have +1 Attack. |
GrommashHellscream |
Implements the Grommash Hellscream Charge. Enrage: +6 Attack |
Gruul |
Implements the Gruul At the end of each turn, gain +1/+1 . |
GuardianofIcecrown |
Implements the Guardian of Icecrown Taunt |
GuardianofKings |
Implements the Guardian of Kings Battlecry: Restore 6 Health to your hero. |
GurubashiBerserker |
Implements the Gurubashi Berserker Whenever this minion takes damage, gain +3 Attack. |
HarrisonJones |
Implements the Harrison Jones Battlecry: Destroy your opponent's weapon and draw cards equal to its Durability. |
HarvestGolem |
Implements the Harvest Golem Deathrattle: Summon a 2/1 Damaged Golem. |
HauntedCreeper |
Implements the Haunted Creeper Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Spectral Spiders. |
HealingTotem |
Implements the Healing Totem At the end of your turn, restore 1 Health to all friendly minions. |
HiddenGnome |
Implements the Hidden Gnome Was hiding in a barrel! |
Hogger |
Implements the Hogger At the end of your turn, summon a 2/2 Gnoll with Taunt. |
HomingChicken |
Implements the Homing Chicken At the start of your turn, destroy this minion and draw 3 cards. |
Hound |
Implements the Hound Charge |
Houndmaster |
Implements the Houndmaster Battlecry: Give a friendly Beast +2/+2 and Taunt. |
Huffer |
Implements the Huffer Charge |
HungryCrab |
Implements the Hungry Crab Battlecry: Destroy a Murloc and gain +2/+2. |
Hyena |
Implements the Hyena |
IllidanStormrage |
Implements the Illidan Stormrage Whenever you play a card, summon a 2/1 Flame of Azzinoth. |
Imp |
Implements the Imp |
ImpMaster |
Implements the Imp Master At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to this minion and summon a 1/1 Imp. |
Infernal |
Implements the Infernal |
InjuredBlademaster |
Implements the Injured Blademaster Battlecry: Deal 4 damage to HIMSELF. |
IronbarkProtector |
Implements the Ironbark Protector Taunt |
IronbeakOwl |
Implements the Ironbeak Owl Battlecry: Silence a minion. |
IronforgeRifleman |
Implements the Ironforge Rifleman Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. |
IronfurGrizzly |
Implements the Ironfur Grizzly Taunt |
JunglePanther |
Implements the Jungle Panther Stealth |
KeeperoftheGrove |
Implements the Keeper of the Grove Choose One - Deal 2 damage; or Silence a minion. |
KelThuzad |
Implements the Kel'Thuzad At the end of each turn, summon all friendly minions that died this turn. |
Kidnapper |
Implements the Kidnapper Combo: Return a minion to its owner's hand. |
KingKrush |
Implements the King Krush Charge |
KingMukla |
Implements the King Mukla Battlecry: Give your opponent 2 Bananas. |
KirinTorMage |
Implements the Kirin Tor Mage Battlecry: The next Secret you play this turn costs (0). |
KnifeJuggler |
Implements the Knife Juggler After you summon a minion, deal 1 damage to a random enemy. |
KoboldGeomancer |
Implements the Kobold Geomancer Spell Damage +1 |
KorkronElite |
Implements the Kor'kron Elite Charge |
LadyBlaumeux |
Implements the Lady Blaumeux Your hero is Immune. |
LaughingSister |
Implements the Laughing Sister Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers. |
LeeroyJenkins |
Implements the Leeroy Jenkins Charge. Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Whelps for your opponent. |
Leokk |
Implements the Leokk Other friendly minions have +1 Attack. |
LeperGnome |
Implements the Leper Gnome Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. |
Lightspawn |
Implements the Lightspawn This minion's Attack is always equal to its Health. |
Lightwell |
Implements the Lightwell At the start of your turn, restore 3 Health to a damaged friendly character. |
Loatheb |
Implements the Loatheb Battlecry: Enemy spells cost (5) more next turn. |
LootHoarder |
Implements the Loot Hoarder Deathrattle: Draw a card. |
LordJaraxxus |
Implements the Lord Jaraxxus Battlecry: Destroy your hero and replace it with Lord Jaraxxus. |
LordoftheArena |
Implements the Lord of the Arena Taunt |
LorewalkerCho |
Implements the Lorewalker Cho Whenever a player casts a spell, put a copy into the other player’s hand. |
MadBomber |
Implements the Mad Bomber Battlecry: Deal 3 damage randomly split between all other characters. |
MadScientist |
Implements the Mad Scientist Deathrattle: Put a Secret from your deck into the battlefield. |
Maexxna |
Implements the Maexxna Destroy any minion damaged by this minion. |
MagmaRager |
Implements the Magma Rager |
Malygos |
Implements the Malygos Spell Damage +5 |
ManaAddict |
Implements the Mana Addict Whenever you cast a spell, gain +2 Attack this turn. |
ManaTideTotem |
Implements the Mana Tide Totem At the end of your turn, draw a card. |
ManaWraith |
Implements the Mana Wraith ALL minions cost (1) more. |
ManaWyrm |
Implements the Mana Wyrm Whenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack. |
MassiveGnoll |
Implements the Massive Gnoll |
MasterSwordsmith |
Implements the Master Swordsmith At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Attack. |
MasterofDisguise |
Implements the Master of Disguise Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Stealth. |
MechanicalDragonling |
Implements the Mechanical Dragonling |
MillhouseManastorm |
Implements the Millhouse Manastorm Battlecry: Enemy spells cost (0) next turn. |
MindControlTech |
Implements the Mind Control Tech Battlecry: If your opponent has 4 or more minions, take control of one at random. |
MirrorImage |
Implements the Mirror Image Taunt |
Misha |
Implements the Misha Taunt |
MogushanWarden |
Implements the Mogu'shan Warden Taunt |
MoltenGiant |
Implements the Molten Giant Costs (1) less for each damage your hero has taken. |
MountainGiant |
Implements the Mountain Giant Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand. |
MrBigglesworth |
Implements the Mr. Bigglesworth This is Kel'Thuzad's kitty. |
MuklasBigBrother |
Implements the Mukla's Big Brother So strong! And only 6 Mana?! |
Murloc |
Implements the Murloc |
MurlocRaider |
Implements the Murloc Raider |
MurlocScout |
Implements the Murloc Scout |
MurlocTidecaller |
Implements the Murloc Tidecaller Whenever a Murloc is summoned, gain +1 Attack. |
MurlocTidehunter |
Implements the Murloc Tidehunter Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Murloc Scout. |
MurlocWarleader |
Implements the Murloc Warleader ALL other Murlocs have +2/+1. |
NagaMyrmidon |
Implements the Naga Myrmidon |
NatPagle |
Implements the Nat Pagle At the start of your turn, you have a 50% chance to draw an extra card. |
Necroknight |
Implements the Necroknight Deathrattle: Destroy the minions next to this one as well. |
NerubarWeblord |
Implements the Nerub'ar Weblord Minions with Battlecry cost (2) more. |
Nerubian |
Implements the Nerubian |
NerubianEgg |
Implements the Nerubian Egg Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian. |
Nightblade |
Implements the Nightblade Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. |
NorthshireCleric |
Implements the Northshire Cleric Whenever a minion is healed, draw a card. |
Nozdormu |
Implements the Nozdormu Players only have 15 seconds to take their turns. |
OasisSnapjaw |
Implements the Oasis Snapjaw |
OgreMagi |
Implements the Ogre Magi Spell Damage +1 |
OldMurkEye |
Implements the Old Murk-Eye Charge. Has +1 Attack for each other Murloc on the battlefield. |
Onyxia |
Implements the Onyxia Battlecry: Summon 1/1 Whelps until your side of the battlefield is full. |
PandarenScout |
Implements the Pandaren Scout |
Panther |
Implements the Panther |
PatientAssassin |
Implements the Patient Assassin Stealth. Destroy any minion damaged by this minion. |
PintSizedSummoner |
Implements the Pint-Sized Summoner The first minion you play each turn costs (1) less. |
PitLord |
Implements the Pit Lord Battlecry: Deal 5 damage to your hero. |
Poultryizer |
Implements the Poultryizer At the start of your turn, transform a random minion into a 1/1 Chicken. |
PriestessofElune |
Implements the Priestess of Elune Battlecry: Restore 4 Health to your hero. |
ProphetVelen |
Implements the Prophet Velen Double the damage and healing of your spells and Hero Power. |
QuestingAdventurer |
Implements the Questing Adventurer Whenever you play a card, gain +1/+1. |
RagingWorgen |
Implements the Raging Worgen Enrage: Windfury and +1 Attack |
RagnarostheFirelord |
Implements the Ragnaros the Firelord Can't Attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy. |
RaidLeader |
Implements the Raid Leader Your other minions have +1 Attack. |
RavenholdtAssassin |
Implements the Ravenholdt Assassin Stealth |
RazorfenHunter |
Implements the Razorfen Hunter Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Boar. |
RecklessRocketeer |
Implements the Reckless Rocketeer Charge |
RepairBot |
Implements the Repair Bot At the end of your turn, restore 6 Health to a damaged character. |
RiverCrocolisk |
Implements the River Crocolisk |
RiverpawGnoll |
Implements the Riverpaw Gnoll |
SI7Agent |
Implements the SI:7 Agent Combo: Deal 2 damage. |
SavannahHighmane |
Implements the Savannah Highmane Deathrattle: Summon two 2/2 Hyenas. |
ScarletCrusader |
Implements the Scarlet Crusader Divine Shield |
ScavengingHyena |
Implements the Scavenging Hyena Whenever a friendly Beast dies, gain +2/+1. |
SeaGiant |
Implements the Sea Giant Costs (1) less for each other minion on the battlefield. |
SearingTotem |
Implements the Searing Totem |
Secretkeeper |
Implements the Secretkeeper Whenever a Secret is played, gain +1/+1. |
SenjinShieldmasta |
Implements the Sen'jin Shieldmasta Taunt |
ShadeofNaxxramas |
Implements the Shade of Naxxramas Stealth. At the start of your turn, gain +1/+1. |
ShadoPanMonk |
Implements the Shado-Pan Monk |
ShadowofNothing |
Implements the Shadow of Nothing Mindgames whiffed! Your opponent had no minions! |
ShatteredSunCleric |
Implements the Shattered Sun Cleric Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +1/+1. |
Sheep |
Implements the Sheep |
Shieldbearer |
Implements the Shieldbearer Taunt |
SilverHandKnight |
Implements the Silver Hand Knight Battlecry: Summon a 2/2 Squire. |
SilverHandRecruit |
Implements the Silver Hand Recruit |
SilverbackPatriarch |
Implements the Silverback Patriarch Taunt |
SilvermoonGuardian |
Implements the Silvermoon Guardian Divine Shield |
SirZeliek |
Implements the Sir Zeliek Your hero is Immune. |
SkeletalSmith |
Implements the Skeletal Smith Deathrattle: Destroy your opponent's weapon. |
Skeleton |
Implements the Skeleton |
Slime |
Implements the Slime Taunt |
SludgeBelcher |
Implements the Sludge Belcher Taunt.\nDeathrattle: Summon a 1/2 Slime with Taunt. |
Snake |
Implements the Snake |
SorcerersApprentice |
Implements the Sorcerer's Apprentice Your spells cost (1) less. |
SouthseaCaptain |
Implements the Southsea Captain Your other Pirates have +1/+1. |
SouthseaDeckhand |
Implements the Southsea Deckhand Has Charge while you have a weapon equipped. |
SpectralKnight |
Implements the Spectral Knight Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers. |
SpectralRider |
Implements the Spectral Rider At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your hero. |
SpectralSpider |
Implements the Spectral Spider |
SpectralTrainee |
Implements the Spectral Trainee At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your hero. |
SpectralWarrior |
Implements the Spectral Warrior At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your hero. |
Spellbender |
Implements the Spellbender |
Spellbreaker |
Implements the Spellbreaker Battlecry: Silence a minion. |
SpiritWolf |
Implements the Spirit Wolf Taunt |
SpitefulSmith |
Implements the Spiteful Smith Enrage: Your weapon has +2 Attack. |
Spore |
Implements the Spore Deathrattle: Give all enemy minions +8 Attack. |
Squire |
Implements the Squire |
Squirrel |
Implements the Squirrel |
Stalagg |
Implements the Stalagg |
StampedingKodo |
Implements the Stampeding Kodo Battlecry: Destroy a random enemy minion with 2 or less Attack. |
StarvingBuzzard |
Implements the Starving Buzzard Whenever you summon a Beast, draw a card. |
StoneclawTotem |
Implements the Stoneclaw Totem Taunt |
StoneskinGargoyle |
Implements the Stoneskin Gargoyle At the start of your turn, restore this minion to full Health. |
StonetuskBoar |
Implements the Stonetusk Boar Charge |
StormpikeCommando |
Implements the Stormpike Commando Battlecry: Deal 2 damage. |
StormwindChampion |
Implements the Stormwind Champion Your other minions have +1/+1. |
StormwindKnight |
Implements the Stormwind Knight Charge |
StranglethornTiger |
Implements the Stranglethorn Tiger Stealth |
Succubus |
Implements the Succubus Battlecry: Discard a random card. |
SummoningPortal |
Implements the Summoning Portal Your minions cost (2) less, but not less than (1). |
SunfuryProtector |
Implements the Sunfury Protector Battlecry: Give adjacent minions Taunt. |
Sunwalker |
Implements the Sunwalker Taunt. Divine Shield |
SylvanasWindrunner |
Implements the Sylvanas Windrunner Deathrattle: Take control of a random enemy minion. |
TaurenWarrior |
Implements the Tauren Warrior Taunt. Enrage: +3 Attack |
TempleEnforcer |
Implements the Temple Enforcer Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 Health. |
Thaddius |
Implements the Thaddius |
ThaneKorthazz |
Implements the Thane Korth'azz Your hero is Immune. |
TheBeast |
Implements the The Beast Deathrattle: Summon a 3/3 Finkle Einhorn for your opponent. |
TheBlackKnight |
Implements the The Black Knight Battlecry: Destroy an enemy minion with Taunt. |
ThrallmarFarseer |
Implements the Thrallmar Farseer Windfury |
TimberWolf |
Implements the Timber Wolf Your other Beasts have +1 Attack. |
TinkmasterOverspark |
Implements the Tinkmaster Overspark Battlecry: Transform another random minion into a 5/5 Devilsaur or a 1/1 Squirrel. |
TirionFordring |
Implements the Tirion Fordring Divine Shield. Taunt. Deathrattle: Equip a 5/3 Ashbringer. |
Treant |
Implements the Treant |
TundraRhino |
Implements the Tundra Rhino Your Beasts have Charge. |
TwilightDrake |
Implements the Twilight Drake Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each card in your hand. |
UnboundElemental |
Implements the Unbound Elemental Whenever you play a card with Overload, gain +1/+1. |
Understudy |
Implements the Understudy Taunt |
Undertaker |
Implements the Undertaker Whenever you summon a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1/+1. |
UnrelentingRider |
Implements the Unrelenting Rider Deathrattle: Summon a Spectral Rider for your opponent. |
UnrelentingTrainee |
Implements the Unrelenting Trainee Deathrattle: Summon a Spectral Trainee for your opponent. |
UnrelentingWarrior |
Implements the Unrelenting Warrior Deathrattle: Summon a Spectral Warrior for your opponent. |
UnstableGhoul |
Implements the Unstable Ghoul Taunt. Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions. |
VentureCoMercenary |
Implements the Venture Co. Mercenary Your minions cost (3) more. |
VioletApprentice |
Implements the Violet Apprentice |
VioletTeacher |
Implements the Violet Teacher Whenever you cast a spell, summon a 1/1 Violet Apprentice. |
VoidTerror |
Implements the Void Terror Battlecry: Destroy the minions on either side of this minion and gain their Attack and Health. |
Voidcaller |
Implements the Voidcaller Deathrattle: Put a random Demon from your hand into the battlefield. |
Voidwalker |
Implements the Voidwalker Taunt |
VoodooDoctor |
Implements the Voodoo Doctor Battlecry: Restore 2 Health. |
WailingSoul |
Implements the Wailing Soul Battlecry: Silence your other minions. |
WarGolem |
Implements the War Golem |
WarsongCommander |
Implements the Warsong Commander Whenever you summon a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it Charge. |
WaterElemental |
Implements the Water Elemental Freeze any character damaged by this minion. |
Webspinner |
Implements the Webspinner Deathrattle: Add a random Beast card to your hand. |
Whelp |
Implements the Whelp |
WildPyromancer |
Implements the Wild Pyromancer After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to ALL minions. |
WindfuryHarpy |
Implements the Windfury Harpy Windfury |
Windspeaker |
Implements the Windspeaker Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Windfury. |
Wisp |
Implements the Wisp |
Wolfrider |
Implements the Wolfrider Charge |
WorgenInfiltrator |
Implements the Worgen Infiltrator Stealth |
WorthlessImp |
Implements the Worthless Imp You are out of demons! At least there are always imps... |
WrathofAirTotem |
Implements the Wrath of Air Totem Spell Damage +1 |
YoungDragonhawk |
Implements the Young Dragonhawk Windfury |
YoungPriestess |
Implements the Young Priestess At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health. |
YouthfulBrewmaster |
Implements the Youthful Brewmaster Battlecry: Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand. |
Ysera |
Implements the Ysera At the end of your turn, draw a Dream Card. |
ZombieChow |
Implements the Zombie Chow Deathrattle: Restore 5 Health to the enemy hero. |