Имя |
Описание |
Ability |
The class used to create |
Actor |
A living entity (backend) for example the player |
ActorTile |
A tile on the map used to represent an actor. |
AddObject |
Add objects as part of a quest |
BombTile |
A tile which could be used to manage something like a bomb. |
CheckpointTile |
A tile used as a saving point for the player. |
DoorTile |
This tile is used to seperate the different levels. A boss enemy in one level should have the key to the next level. |
Enemy |
The class used to generate computer controlled enemies in the game. The enemies are a type of actors like the player is. |
Exit |
A connection between two rooms |
FloorTile |
A tile representing the floor of the world. Everything is build on the floor and actors also move on the floor. |
GapTile |
A tile to have something like a hole in the floor. |
Generator |
GeneratorTile |
A tile used to generate the rooms. |
Item |
Class to represent items ingame e.g. weapons, armor |
ItemEffect |
Class for the effects of items e.g. increasing the health by 5 |
ItemTile |
A class used to manage items laying on the floor of a room. |
Logic |
Map |
Backend object representing a room in the game |
MapChange |
Changes occuring as part of a quest |
The class used to generate NPCs. NPCs can either tell a story to the player or have a shop. |
NPCChange |
Changes to an NPC as part of a quest |
NetLogic |
All Game Logic events are handled server side -> send / receive events via network instead of handling them locally |
Player |
The class used for players, a type of an actor. |
PlayerChange |
The reward provided on quest completion to player. |
PureLogic |
Program Logic completely abstracted from Frontend |
Quest |
A class representing a (multiple step) quest in the game. |
QuestChange |
Changes in (other) Quests/queststeps (for branching questlines) |
QuestRequirement |
Requirement to meet to finish a quest step |
QuestStep |
RemoveObject |
Remove objects as part of a quest |
ReservedTile |
SwitchTile |
A tile used to represent a switch in the game. e.g. a switch could open a door. |
TargetTile |
The tile which ends the game if the player enters it. |
TeleportTile |
A tile used to connect rooms. If the player enters this tile he changes the room. |
Tile |
An abstract class representing a generic tile (i.e. blank floor) |
TrapTile |
A tile representing a trap in the game. Traps deal damage to actors which stand on them. |
TriggerTile |
WallTile |
A tile representing a wall in the game. A wall blocks actor movements. |