C# (CSharp) FSO.Client.Network Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
Cache Cache for storing characters received by the login server.
NetworkController Handles moving between various network states, e.g. Logging in, connecting to a city, connecting to a lot
NetworkFacade Handles access to all of the network systems, service clients, city server, login events etc.
PlayerAccount A class representing the current player's account. Holds things such as the account's sims and client (used to communicate with the server).
UIPacketHandlers Contains all the packethandlers in the game that are based on an interaction with the UI. I.E. a packet received because the user clicked on a UINetworkButton that sent a packet.
UIPacketSenders Contains all the packetsenders in the game that are the result of a UI interaction. Packetsenders are functions that send packets to the servers.