C# (CSharp) Azavea.Open.DAO.Memory Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AbstractMemoryIndex Base class that handles some of the key comparison common across index types.
MemoryDaLayer Data access layer implementation that simply stores objects in memory.
MemoryDataReader A data reader that iterates over the objects from the memory store, sorting and filtering as necessary to satisfy the criteria.
MemoryDescriptor Describes a connection to "memory". This is mostly intended as a test implementation, the data source is just a structure in memory, but it is possible this will have some practical applications as well. Two connections using the same uid will hit the same in-memory collection of objects.
MemoryObject The representation of the object data while in the data store.
MemoryTable TODO: Not done yet.
MultiPropertyMemoryIndex This is an index that has a nested index (I.E. an index on two or more fields).
SinglePropertyMemoryIndex An index on a single field, keeps groups of the memory objects in a dictionary keyed by the values of the field.