C# (CSharp) Azavea.Open.DAO.Memory 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AbstractMemoryIndex Base class that handles some of the key comparison common across index types.
MemoryDaLayer Data access layer implementation that simply stores objects in memory.
MemoryDataReader A data reader that iterates over the objects from the memory store, sorting and filtering as necessary to satisfy the criteria.
MemoryDescriptor Describes a connection to "memory". This is mostly intended as a test implementation, the data source is just a structure in memory, but it is possible this will have some practical applications as well. Two connections using the same uid will hit the same in-memory collection of objects.
MemoryObject The representation of the object data while in the data store.
MemoryTable TODO: Not done yet.
MultiPropertyMemoryIndex This is an index that has a nested index (I.E. an index on two or more fields).
SinglePropertyMemoryIndex An index on a single field, keeps groups of the memory objects in a dictionary keyed by the values of the field.