Имя |
Описание |
ApiExampleBase |
Provides common infrastructure for all API examples that are implemented as unit tests. |
CustomBarcodeGenerator |
Sample of custom barcode generator implementation (with underlying Aspose.BarCode module) |
DocumentHelper |
Functions for operations with document and content |
ExBookmarks |
ExBorder |
ExBorderCollection |
ExBuildVersion |
ExCellFormat |
ExComment |
ExDigitalSignature |
ExDigitalSignatureCollection |
ExDigitalSignatureUtil |
ExDocument |
ExDocument.HandleFontSaving |
ExDocument.HandleImageSaving |
ExDocument.HandleNodeChangingFontChanger |
ExDocumentBuilder |
ExDocumentBuilderImages |
ExEditableRange |
ExField |
ExField.InsertTcFieldHandler |
ExFont |
ExFont.RemoveHiddenContentVisitor |
This class when executed will remove all hidden content from the Document. Implemented as a Visitor. |
ExFormFields |
ExHeaderFooter |
ExHtmlFixedSaveOptions |
ExHtmlSaveOptions |
ExHyphenation |
ExImage |
ExImageSaveOptions |
ExInlineStory |
ExInsertDocument |
ExInsertDocument.InsertDocumentAtMailMergeBlobHandler |
ExInsertDocument.InsertDocumentAtMailMergeHandler |
ExInsertDocument.InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler |
ExLists |
ExMailMerge |
ExMailMerge.MailMergeCallbackStub |
ExMailMergeCustom |
ExMailMergeCustom.Customer |
An example of a "data entity" class in your application. |
ExMailMergeCustom.CustomerList |
An example of a typed collection that contains your "data" objects. |
ExMailMergeCustom.CustomerMailMergeDataSource |
A custom mail merge data source that you implement to allow Aspose.Words to mail merge data from your Customer objects into Microsoft Word documents. |
ExMailMergeEvent |
ExMailMergeEvent.HandleMergeFieldAlternatingRows |
ExMailMergeEvent.HandleMergeFieldInsertCheckBox |
ExMailMergeEvent.HandleMergeFieldInsertHtml |
ExMailMergeEvent.HandleMergeImageFieldFromBlob |
ExMossDoc2Pdf |
DOC2PDF document converter for SharePoint. Uses Aspose.Words to perform the conversion. |
ExMossRtf2Docx |
ExNestedMailMergeCustom |
ExNestedMailMergeCustom.Customer |
An example of a "data entity" class in your application. |
ExNestedMailMergeCustom.CustomerList |
An example of a typed collection that contains your "data" objects. |
ExNestedMailMergeCustom.CustomerMailMergeDataSource |
A custom mail merge data source that you implement to allow Aspose.Words to mail merge data from your Customer objects into Microsoft Word documents. |
ExNestedMailMergeCustom.Order |
An example of a child "data entity" class in your application. |
ExNestedMailMergeCustom.OrderList |
An example of a typed collection that contains your "data" objects. |
ExNestedMailMergeCustom.OrderMailMergeDataSource |
ExNode |
ExOoxmlSaveOptions |
ExPageSetup |
ExParagraph |
ExPdfSaveOptions |
ExProperties |
ExRange |
ExRange.ChangeTextToHyperlinksEvaluator |
ExRange.MyReplaceEvaluator |
ExRange.ReplaceWithHtmlEvaluator |
ExRenameMergeFields |
ExRendering |
ExRendering.HandleDocumentWarnings |
ExRendering.MyPrintDocument |
The way to print in the .NET Framework is to implement a class derived from PrintDocument. This class is an example on how to implement custom printing of an Aspose.Words document. It selects an appropriate paper size, orientation and paper tray when printing. |
ExReplaceHyperlinks |
ExReportingEngine |
ExSavingCallback |
ExSavingCallback.CustomPageFileNamePageSavingCallback |
Custom PageFileName is specified. |
ExSavingCallback.CustomPageStreamPageSavingCallback |
Custom PageStream is specified. |
ExSection |
ExShape |
ExStructuredDocumentTag |
ExStyles |
ExSwfSaveOptions |
ExTabStopCollection |
ExTable |
ExTableColumn |
ExTableColumn.Column |
Represents a facade object for a column of a table in a Microsoft Word document. |
ExVariableCollection |
ExVisitor |
ExVisitor.MyDocToTxtWriter |
Simple implementation of saving a document in the plain text format. Implemented as a Visitor. |
ExWarningInfoCollection |
ExXpsSaveOptions |
Hyperlink |
This "facade" class makes it easier to work with a hyperlink field in a Word document. A hyperlink is represented by a HYPERLINK field in a Word document. A field in Aspose.Words consists of several nodes and it might be difficult to work with all those nodes directly. Note this is a simple implementation and will work only if the hyperlink code and name each consist of one Run only. [FieldStart][Run - field code][FieldSeparator][Run - field result][FieldEnd] The field code contains a string in one of these formats: HYPERLINK "url" HYPERLINK \l "bookmark name" The field result contains text that is displayed to the user. |
MergeField |
Represents a facade object for a merge field in a Microsoft Word document. |