C# Класс ApiExamples.Hyperlink

This "facade" class makes it easier to work with a hyperlink field in a Word document. A hyperlink is represented by a HYPERLINK field in a Word document. A field in Aspose.Words consists of several nodes and it might be difficult to work with all those nodes directly. Note this is a simple implementation and will work only if the hyperlink code and name each consist of one Run only. [FieldStart][Run - field code][FieldSeparator][Run - field result][FieldEnd] The field code contains a string in one of these formats: HYPERLINK "url" HYPERLINK \l "bookmark name" The field result contains text that is displayed to the user.
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
FindNextSibling Node
GetTextSameParent string
Hyperlink System
RemoveSameParent void
UpdateFieldCode void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
FindNextSibling ( Node startNode, NodeType nodeType ) : Node

Goes through siblings starting from the start node until it finds a node of the specified type or null.

GetTextSameParent ( Node startNode, Node endNode ) : string

Retrieves text from start up to but not including the end node.

Hyperlink ( FieldStart fieldStart ) : System
RemoveSameParent ( Node startNode, Node endNode ) : void

Removes nodes from start up to but not including the end node. Start and end are assumed to have the same parent.

UpdateFieldCode ( ) : void