C# Класс zxingwp7.client.result.optional.NDEFSmartPosterResultParser

Recognizes an NDEF message that encodes information according to the "Smart Poster Record Type Definition" specification.

This actually only supports some parts of the Smart Poster format: title, URI, and action records. Icon records are not supported because the size of these records are infeasibly large for barcodes. Size and type records are not supported. Multiple titles are not supported.

Наследование: AbstractNDEFResultParser
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Метод Описание
parse ( System.Result result ) : NDEFSmartPosterParsedResult

Описание методов

parse() публичный статический Метод

public static parse ( System.Result result ) : NDEFSmartPosterParsedResult
result System.Result
Результат NDEFSmartPosterParsedResult