C# (CSharp) zxingwp7 Пространство имен

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Binarizer This class hierarchy provides a set of methods to convert luminance data to 1 bit data. It allows the algorithm to vary polymorphically, for example allowing a very expensive thresholding technique for servers and a fast one for mobile. It also permits the implementation to vary, e.g. a JNI version for Android and a Java fallback version for other platforms.
BinaryBitmap This class is the core bitmap class used by ZXing to represent 1 bit data. Reader objects accept a BinaryBitmap and attempt to decode it.
DecodeHintType Encapsulates a type of hint that a caller may pass to a barcode reader to help it more quickly or accurately decode it. It is up to implementations to decide what, if anything, to do with the information that is supplied.
EncodeHintType These are a set of hints that you may pass to Writers to specify their behavior.
MultiFormatReader MultiFormatReader is a convenience class and the main entry point into the library for most uses. By default it attempts to decode all barcode formats that the library supports. Optionally, you can provide a hints object to request different behavior, for example only decoding QR codes.
MultiFormatWriter This is a factory class which finds the appropriate Writer subclass for the BarcodeFormat requested and encodes the barcode with the supplied contents.

Encapsulates the result of decoding a barcode within an image.

ResultMetadataType Represents some type of metadata about the result of the decoding that the decoder wishes to communicate back to the caller.
SupportClass Contains conversion support elements such as classes, interfaces and static methods.
WriterException A base class which covers the range of exceptions which may occur when encoding a barcode using the Writer framework.