C# Класс hqNx.Hqnx

Наследование: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.DrawableGameComponent
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Draw2x ( Vector2 position ) : void
Draw2x ( Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 origin ) : void
Draw3x ( Vector2 position ) : void
Draw3x ( Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 origin ) : void
Draw4x ( Vector2 position ) : void
Draw4x ( Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 origin ) : void
Hqnx ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game ) : System
Initialize ( ) : void
Prepare ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D image ) : void

Prepares an image for magnification.

Note that this will change the render target, but will not revert it to its previous value - you must immediately set the desired next target after calling this function.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
LoadContent ( ) : void
UnloadContent ( ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ConvertKernel ( Color pOut, float pKern ) : void
Diff ( int cmp2, int t1, int t2 ) : bool
GenScreenQuad ( Vector2 origin, int width, int height ) : void
InitLutNx ( Texture3D lut, int n, FilterCaseDelegate filterCase ) : void

This really, *really*, needs to be preprocessed into a loaded blob.

Interp0 ( float pc, int t1 ) : void
Interp1 ( float pc, int t1, int t2 ) : void
Interp10 ( float pc, int t1, int t2, int t3 ) : void
Interp2 ( float pc, int t1, int t2, int t3 ) : void
Interp3 ( float pc, int t1, int t2 ) : void
Interp4 ( float pc, int t1, int t2, int t3 ) : void
Interp5 ( float pc, int t1, int t2 ) : void
Interp6 ( float pc, int t1, int t2, int t3 ) : void
Interp7 ( float pc, int t1, int t2, int t3 ) : void
Interp8 ( float pc, int t1, int t2 ) : void
Interp9 ( float pc, int t1, int t2, int t3 ) : void
MagnifyNx ( Vector2 position, Vector2 rotationOrigin, float rotation, int n, EffectPass scalePass ) : void
NormalizeKernel ( float pKern ) : void
NormalizeQuadCoords ( ) : void
RequirePatternBuffer ( int dx, int dy ) : void
RotateScreenQuad ( Vector2 origin, float angle ) : void
SetupTaps ( int width, int height ) : void
ShiftScreenQuad ( Vector2 delta ) : void

Описание методов

Draw2x() публичный Метод

public Draw2x ( Vector2 position ) : void
position Vector2
Результат void

Draw2x() публичный Метод

public Draw2x ( Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 origin ) : void
position Vector2
rotation float
origin Vector2
Результат void

Draw3x() публичный Метод

public Draw3x ( Vector2 position ) : void
position Vector2
Результат void

Draw3x() публичный Метод

public Draw3x ( Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 origin ) : void
position Vector2
rotation float
origin Vector2
Результат void

Draw4x() публичный Метод

public Draw4x ( Vector2 position ) : void
position Vector2
Результат void

Draw4x() публичный Метод

public Draw4x ( Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 origin ) : void
position Vector2
rotation float
origin Vector2
Результат void

Hqnx() публичный Метод

public Hqnx ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game ) : System
game Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
Результат System

Initialize() публичный Метод

public Initialize ( ) : void
Результат void

LoadContent() защищенный Метод

protected LoadContent ( ) : void
Результат void

Prepare() публичный Метод

Prepares an image for magnification.
Note that this will change the render target, but will not revert it to its previous value - you must immediately set the desired next target after calling this function.
public Prepare ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D image ) : void
image Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D
Результат void

UnloadContent() защищенный Метод

protected UnloadContent ( ) : void
Результат void