C# Класс csShared.Timeline.TimelineManager

Наследование: Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase, ITimelineManager
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
DefaultCustomStep System.TimeSpan

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Begin ( ) : void

Start the time line (so the focus time will move forward) in real-time.

Consider replacing this functionality with the player.

CalculateInterval ( ) : void
CenterTime ( System.DateTime t ) : void
CreatePlayerMenu ( ) : void

Create the circular menu for the player.

ForceTimeChanged ( ) : void

Every time change, you get an update.

ForceTimeContentChanged ( ) : void

Throttled time change.

GetRow ( string id ) : TimeRow
GetScreenPos ( System.DateTime dt ) : double
SetFocusTime ( System.DateTime now ) : void

Set the focus time.

Stop ( ) : void

Stop the time line (so the focus time will not move forward anymore).

TimelineManager ( ) : Caliburn.Micro

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ConvertStepToString ( System.TimeSpan step ) : string
CreateCustomStepMenu ( MenuItemEventArgs fe, bool error = false ) : void
GetMenuItemById ( string id ) : CircularMenuItem

Get the menu item by ID.

HighlightSelectedItem ( string speed, CircularMenuItem speedMenu ) : void
Menu_ItemSelected ( object sender, MenuItemEventArgs e ) : void

Handle a click on a player menu item.

OnFocusTimeChanged ( ) : void
OnTimeChanged ( ) : void
OnTimeContentChanged ( ) : void
PausePlaying ( ) : void
SetPlayEndTime ( ) : void
SetPlayEndTime ( System.DateTime time ) : void
SetPlaySpeed ( int speed ) : void

Set the player's speed, i.e. the multiplication factor that determines how many seconds pass every time the focus time is updated.

SetPlayStartTime ( ) : void
SetPlayStartTime ( System.DateTime time ) : void
SetStepSize ( string speed ) : void

Set the player's step size, i.e. the amount of time that the focus time is increased each tick.

StartPlaying ( ) : void
StopPlaying ( ) : void
UpdateFocusTime ( ) : void
UpdateTimerElapsed ( object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
player_Tick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Описание методов

Begin() публичный Метод

Start the time line (so the focus time will move forward) in real-time.
Consider replacing this functionality with the player.
public Begin ( ) : void
Результат void

CalculateInterval() публичный Метод

public CalculateInterval ( ) : void
Результат void

CenterTime() публичный Метод

public CenterTime ( System.DateTime t ) : void
t System.DateTime
Результат void

CreatePlayerMenu() публичный Метод

Create the circular menu for the player.
public CreatePlayerMenu ( ) : void
Результат void

ForceTimeChanged() публичный Метод

Every time change, you get an update.
public ForceTimeChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

ForceTimeContentChanged() публичный Метод

Throttled time change.
public ForceTimeContentChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

GetRow() публичный Метод

public GetRow ( string id ) : TimeRow
id string
Результат csEvents.TimeRow

GetScreenPos() публичный Метод

public GetScreenPos ( System.DateTime dt ) : double
dt System.DateTime
Результат double

SetFocusTime() публичный Метод

Set the focus time.
public SetFocusTime ( System.DateTime now ) : void
now System.DateTime
Результат void

Stop() публичный Метод

Stop the time line (so the focus time will not move forward anymore).
public Stop ( ) : void
Результат void

TimelineManager() публичный Метод

public TimelineManager ( ) : Caliburn.Micro
Результат Caliburn.Micro

Описание свойств

DefaultCustomStep публичное свойство

Default Step for custom time
public TimeSpan,System DefaultCustomStep
Результат System.TimeSpan